Chapter 6: The Collapse of the Wall of Lies

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Chapter 6

The Collapse of the Wall of Lies

Part 1

[6 hours In neutral territory at the Inn, Hanta, Max, and Jade are hiding from the Kasai Aura Hunters]

Max: "Guys you gotta see the news."

Hanta: "what's wrong Max."

Max: "several Kasai royal guards and reapers including the High councillor were killed in an explosion."

Hanta: "Does this mean Fear did a bold attack to draw us out."

Jade: "does make some sense."

Max: "didn't the High councillor say that they had uneasy peace with Grim Reaper, could be friendly fire or a planned attack by the demons"

Hanta: "very strange."

Jade: "Well it's not, actually the Grim Reaper been preparing to bring down the High Councillor

[Knock on their door]

Hanta: "who could that be, maybe it's Fear."

Jade: "I doubt it, that the energy feels not as dark."

[Hanta opens the door]

Hanta: "No, it's you but how did you find us."

Old man Kira: "Really Hanta did you think i couldn't find you."

Part 2

Reaper 2nd Lt.: "Grandmaster, the casualties are quite lower than what the public knows now. What shall we do?."

Grim Reaper: "Call the Sacreds and the Elders for our next move."

Reapers 2nd Lt: "It shall be done Grandmaster....oh i also have a message from the elder Kira."

Grim Reapers: "oh, let me see it."

[Grim Reaper opens the letter]

"Dear Grandmaster,

This war, this long lasting war has taken many good men and women from this world, and i have trusted you since i join this war, but i'm unsure how this war will end but i know Hanta will come to you to master his abilities as warrior of Death, i will always trusted you Mentor to lead us into the void.

From your former student Korban Kira"

Grim Reapers: "you have always been so naive, Korban Kira, putting so much trust in others, even those who are corrupt, to do the right thing but never did. You let your brothers die in service of both your people, and Reapers in that you have my respect. In life you carry a heavy burden but in death you live in peace."

Part 3

[Kasai Nation council command center]

Sup. Representative: "Grand Council this meeting is to deal with the problem of the Demon named Fear, but i receive some information that Reapers are gathering together to state their next move, But also i should mention that many agents of the Light Seekers are looking into the incident that happened to the High councillor."

King of the Isle: "You said that the agents will not get involved at all."

Elder of the Isles: "Your highness we were never expected to escalate this to go so far."

Elder of the Kasai: "we were all aware of what could have happened but if these agents find anything that involves us with the lost operation, we may be finished."

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