First Flight: Chalter one

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Her tail feathers twitched slightly as she stalked the huge creature lurking under the water. She'd been watching it for a while, waiting for it to draw closer towards the island, and not that it had she adjusted her flight feathers for the awaiting pounce. It had taken interest at a ship docked at the island and was completely unaware of the waiting harpy perched in a tree along the shore line.

The sea king circled back around towards the ship, making a direct line for the hull, meaning to knock the crew resting on the deck into the water. They were an interesting group of characters with what looked like a skeleton and a cyborg, but the harpy paid them no mind.

"Come on ... come on," her talons loosened from the branch of the tree, her muscles tensing in anticipation, as she saw the spine of the sea king breach the water.

When it burst out of the water, heading straight for front of the ship, she too burst out of the tree.

The crew on the deck of the ship got ready to fight but it was no need as a blur of colors rammed straight into its head knocking it away just before it slammed into the hull.

"What was that!!" Nami exclaimed, leaning against the ship railing as she watched the see king battle with what looked like a giant bird. It dug it's talons into its eyes. The sea king let out an agonizing screech and thrashed around, attempting to throw off the creature, but with a quick jerk of the leg, it stopped moving and fell limp.

"Monster!!!" Usopp was screaming while zoro, Sanji, and Luffy had an excited gleam in the eyes at the anticipated fight but where disappointed when the bird creature completely ignored them.

"It looks like a bird, but that big?" Robin was thinking to herself, arms crossed Incase she needed her devil fruit powers.

The harpy jerked her head around, staring straight at the crew while holding her kill up in the air, wings beating to keep the heavy weight up. They seemed hesitant to attack and she saw that they were waiting on her move.

When she turned at them a half gasp half scream rose from the crew when they saw it wasn't a bird but a harpy.

"Hey!!" Luffy yelled, jumping onto the railing, "it's that chick from Punk Hazard!"

He was about to send a fist towards the harpy when Nami quickly stopped him, "no it's not!! They don't even look alike."

Luffy was frowning and glaring at the harpy in a distrustful way.

The harpy heard all of this, even more confused now as she realized these people didn't have any feathers. She cocked her head to the side curiously and stared a moment before dropping the sea king back into the water.

"What's it doing?" The crew wondered as the harpy simply hovered in the air staring at them.

Suddenly she disappeared in a blur, circling around to the back of the ship when the crew lost sight of her.

"Wha- where'd she go??!?" Chopper was screaming as everyone drew their weapons.

It was silent as no one moved, all looking for the harpy.

She observed them curiously from the high point of the crows nest as the looked around for her. Her interest was piqued when she noticed the one with black hair and a red vest sent an arm flying out to the from of the ship, the appendage stretching way beyond normal standards.

"Come on out bird!!" He was yelling, looking around for her.

She flew into the air suddenly and dived straight towards him as the crew startled, and hurriedly rushed to attack her but she had already wrapped her talons around Luffy's arms, pulling him up into the air with her.

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