chapter twenty nine

112 18 126

Josh's pov

When I wake up I clutch onto Vic. I instantly know I'm being carried by Vic due to his forest smell and the face that I'm being carried by someone. Who else would carry me and smell like Vic? I relax a little and lock my feet together so he doesn't need to use so much arm strength.

"Where are we going?" I mumble sleepily. We've been at the hospital waiting for news on Oliver all day. Its- I look for a clock on the wall- its 1:34am. I feel asleep against Vic earlier probably around 11pm.

"Oliver's allowed to have visitors now so that's were we are going but he's hasn't regained consciousness yet," Vic tells me and I pout and put my face into his shoulder. That makes me sad. I want to see his eyes..

Vic opens a door and then we are in Oli's room. I get down off of Vic and quietly go to Oli's side. Eyes glued to him the whole time. He looks like a vampire. Pale skin with dark around his eyes.

Vic sits down in a chair and sends me a sad smile. I look back at oli and then his hand. Lighty I grab it and hold his cold warm hand. I feel a tiny bit of me relax a little. At least I can feel he's alive. He has some stuff attached to him but its pretty normal stuff.

An iv, heart monitor things and hes dressed in a hospital gown. He looks peaceful, too peaceful. He usually has a face that looks like he's ready to yell at someone or fall asleep.

"How long will he be asleep for?" I whisper to Vic but my eyes don't leave Oli.

"They said it could be any minute, hour, or day but unlikely for it to be over a week. He had a lot of different drugs in his system from viagra to heroin. They um.. also found needles marks and stuff so when he wakes up they want us to convince him to go to rehab," Vic says and I feel tears slide down my face.

"You're so stupid, I hate that a love you," I whine and stop my foot. Vic gets up and comes over and hugs me. I can be dramatic at times. I whine and cry to Vic about oli.

"He's so silly, like why does he think drugs will help? They wont. They might help for a few hours but what! He thinks hes going to be high everyday until he's old and dies!? No, he'll fucking die. Vic, why does he treat himself so bad??" I whine, rant, and cry at Vic.

Vic just shushes me a little as he hugs me. "Remember that time I told you about how when I feel low I make bad decisions, I hurt myself, and I closed everything off? I think that's why.. I know you've never truly been depressed but think about if you felt so sad and nothing helped. Nothing in the world could make you feel alive.. you'd find a way to feel something. Sex and drugs both help a little.. so does.. well.. we all have our own ways to cope.." he pauses and I feel my chest tighten more.

I've never been this sad before. "He's going through a lot, you just need to help him. I agree rehab will probably be the best thing for him so maybe that's how you can help. Convince him to go to rehab if- when he wakes up," he says and I realize Vic is holding information from me..

I trust him though...

I pull away with a teary face. "D-do you think the nurse will get mad if I lay with him?" I whisper wiping my tears away but new ones fill their place.

"Nah," he says and helps me get in Oli's bed without messing anything up. I put my head on the mattress and cry into his side. Why the fuck do I feel like he's never going to wake up?

Vic rubs my arm and comforts me the best he can. "I love you Vic. Thank you for being my friend," I say and he smiles a little.

"I love you too josh, you're a really good person," he says and he looks at the time. "I'm going to go get food, we need to eat," he says and I realize he's right. Neither of us has ate all day.

"I'll pay you back- but can you get me a McDonald's bacon burger and junk food? I'm sad and food seems appealing," I pout and he smiles.

"Yeah, definitely. I'll be back, I might be a bit longer that normal because I have to get my wallet from our room and check on Ronnie and Andy," he says.

I told him all about how Andy and Oli had sex and how Ronnie walked in on them and all of the stuff that happened so he's worried about them too. "Bye, be safe. Oh can you get my blanket?" I say.

"The big one?"



"Yeah, and um, a thing," I say.

"Pillow? Which one?" He assume right.

"My favorite on and oh my things," I say and he nods while leaving. My things are my charger, earbuds, pajamas, toothpaste and toothbrush, and whatever he thinks I might need.

I hope Oli wakes up soon...

I broke a pen and then played in the ink.. its everywhere now..

I'm hungryyyy

Vic and Josh are a cute pair of friends ^-^

Oh and josh and Vic are the same height and kellin is shorter that Vic

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Oh and josh and Vic are the same height and kellin is shorter that Vic... this is my story I can do that ^-^

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