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Oli's pov

Josh pouts and I just watch him. Maybe he'll tell me why he's pouting is I stare at him for long enough. He pouts harder and crosses him arms. I sit up in bed and give him a little more attention but I dont ask. Not yet. I want him to be the first.

"Pouts," he mumbles trying to get me to ask why he's pouting. I wont give in. He makes a very cute frustrated sound and then blinks really hard at me. I raise an eyebrow and he sighs.

"Oli can you please close your eyes so I can get changed?" He finally asks. Wait, why? I've seen him naked. Maybe because he knows I'll get turned on? Or is it because he's that shy. Probably the second thought.

"Finneee," I say and put the blanket over me. Aw, I separated myself from the cookies. I hear the sounds of him changing and then once he's done he tells me I can look. I get up and grab a cookie. I eat it as I casually check him out.

"That's cute," I say and he smiles and pick up a bottle of strawberry juice

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"That's cute," I say and he smiles and pick up a bottle of strawberry juice. He twists of the lid and takes a sip. All morning we've been in here snacking on the food he got last night.

"My friend.. the one who died, loved strawberries. I use to hate them but my taste changed.. Its sad that nobody talks about her and I hate it but I feel like I can't remember everything that happened because memory fades but.. I dont know," he says and the pouts a little.

I open my arms and he comes over and hugs me. I hug back and rub his back. He's so open about so much. I almost want to test it, like ask him a bunch if questions about hard topics (other than my dick) and see if he will answer them all. "Are you ready to say goodbye to these people?" He asks softly.

"Yeah, they are cool but I miss- well.. not really anything. Oh.. I dont actually have anything waiting for me when I leave," I say realizing that all I did was sleep, fuck, and get high.

"I have a few ideas of things you can do when you get out.. some you might like, some you might not like," he says. Oh? I look at him and he blushes.

"L-like, um, we could go to the zoo? I really want to go but Vic wont take me because whenever we walk together people think we are dating and it creeps us out.. and.. I want to go visit someone in the hospital and uh.. theres more," he mumbles nervously.

"Tell me all, we have another hour before I can leave," I say and he smile a little, happy that I'm taking intrest in his ideas.

"I want to come over to your dorm and we can um.. throw away you're drugs.. and then we can watch a movie and play a card game?" He asks. He's so caring. I grab his hot cheeks and his him. Apparently he didnt see it coming because the kiss didn't exactly go as planned and he starts giggling.

"We can do that as soon as we get back. I'm done with drugs so I have no need for them. Whole in the hospital?" I say and he smiles more.

"Oh, um, I don't actually know him but I walked into his room while you were waking up and he's in a coma.. you dont have to go but I am because his friend seemed so sad and apparently if he doesn't wake up before June then they are pulling the pug," he tells me getting sadder the more he talks.

"We can go tomorrow, today we can throw away my mistakes and play cards, maybe Ronnie and Vic can play with us," I tell him.

He then looks a bit guilty. "Ronnie is really worried about you because you're 'at your parents house and not answering your phone' he said you hate your parents the other day and so I told him you weren't there but you just needed time... is that okay?" He says and I blush a little.

Ronnie is worried about me? Does he care about me? I know we are friends but I don't think he likes me that much. "Yeah, I'll probably end up telling him when we throw away my shit. I just don't want like.. random people knowing," I say and he bites his bottom lip.

"Um.. I uh.. I tell Vic all my secrets and.. um.. I told Vic about um.. us kissing and stuff and so he knows you are here but not why and and he's very understanding and he was here- shit- I'm so bad at secrets I'm sor-" I squish his face with my hand making him not be about to talk so fast or at all.

"Its okay, I'm flattered you talk to me to you're best friend. I understand but body else. Only Ronnie and Vic. Vic because he's your best friend and Ronnie because he's mine and Andy will probably tell him anyways," I say and he licks my head making not pull away but raise my eyebrows.

His tongue in my mind is far from gross, I wont be running from it or letting go. He then pouts. I let go and kiss his cheek. "Do you mind if.. um.. I come over to your room daily? Like how I do here or am I to clingly?" He asks and I shake my head.

"You aren't too clingly, or if you are I dont care because I want you with me. And yeah, come over ever day. Honestly I'll probably get lonely and come to you're room before you even think of me," I say and he kisses me on my cheekbones.

"I think of you constantly so I doubt that," he says and gets off of me. "Let's say bye to Awsten, Andy, Dom, and everyone," he says grabbing my hand. I get up and follow him.


I want to dye my hair ;-;


I'm so sleepy

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