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Josh's pov

Once the aching and needy feeling has left my body and I'm finally less embarrassed I leave the bathrooms and try not to think about what just happened. When.. um.. when I feel the weird sensation it made me not think straight.

Ugh, now he knows that I'm inexperience. He was clearly shocked when I said that I've never felt that before.. Gosh this is so embarrassing. He made me make weird noises and probably a weird face. It was like I was put under a spell..

That's so... embarrassing. Why did that happen! Oh my fucking god I wish I could disappear. Maybe obliviate him or something. But no, this isn't harry potter so I can't use that spell on him to make him forget.

Since I'm so lost in my embarrassing thoughts I don't see someone as I'm turning a corner and snack right to them. "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I apologized and help them pick up their papers and pencils.

"Josh?" The other guy says taking the stuff from me. I look up and into Andy's eyes. My eyes widen a little. I've heard about him and seen him in halls or with my friends but I've never talked to him.

"Andy, hey," I say smiling as we stand up. My eyes then go to his bandaged arms. Oh.. I heard about that what happened from Vic. Apparently he's really upset about something but only Ronnie knows what it is.

"Hey, why are you here?" He asks seeming confused.

"I work here sometimes, is this your first day?" I ask because I know he was in the hospital the other day so he couldn't have been here to long.

"I got here last night, it seems... decent, but I shouldn't be here," he says and I take note of how he's dressed in sweatpants and a tshirt. Man I'm bad at my job, I was supposed to give Oli his clothes. It's not a rule to not wear normal clothes but these clothes are way more comfortable and yeah..  I should get him some.

Oh yeah, Oli doesn't like andy... I don't know why but I hope it's not a problem. "I think you should just enjoy yourself here. It's kinda fun, just dont think about it as a jail and more like a place to relax and work on yourself," I chirp and he rolls his eyes but its playful.

"Yeah yeah, where are you off to?" He says and looks at the art room like he might invite me if I say nowhere. Andy seems cool but I need to get back to Oli before I die of embarrassment. I just need to talk to him about it and make sure we are on the same page.

As I fix my skirt a little I answer Andy. "I'm going to go hang out with a patient, I'm helping him settle in and whatnot," I say and he nods understandingly. He has some bright blue eyes, maybe its because his hair is so black and skin so pale.

Pale with black hair.. that seems familiar- oh, that boy in the coma. I wonder if he's woken up or how that guy/his friend doing. "Okay, have fun," Andy says and starts walking off. I walk slowly to Oli's room thinking hard.

Kellin, that's what the file said. Maybe I should go check on him..? Why? I dont know but he just seems important. I also understand how his friends feel because I've had someone I love in a coma and it's not fun. Maybe Oli would want to come with me? It could be a thing we do together after he gets out of here.

Theres so much to think about and I'm so glad for that. I'd rather think about this stuff then stuck on how embarrassing today has been. If Oli hates Andy then group therapy wont go smoothly.. Oli needs therapy so he can open up.

The thing with oli is he's relying on drugs to help him but they are the bad kind and have bad side effects and is probably the reason he does the stuff he does. He needs to gain weight, he's actually gained weight from being in the coma. I think he hardly ate before the coma and then when he got into it the doctors feed him nutrients and whatever so that made him a bit healthier but he needs to eat more still.

He's sleeping schedule has always been messed up before the coma and after. I'm pretty sure he didn't sleep last night. I stop outside of his room and pout to myself. I'm so embarrassed for feeling needy and sitting on him with a boner. He also got one and omg. Memories of how his hard-on felt on against my panties make me blush.

I open the door after collecting myself and see Oli throwing away tissues. He looks at me and I give him a nervous smile. "Um, I don't know what happened a little while ago.. can we forget it happened? I think I got caught up in the moment or whatever and now I'm really really realllly embarrassed," I say and he comes over and kisses my forehead.

He then wraps his arms around me and I hug back. He feels.. sweaty? He's really hot to. Oh well I love hugging him. "You're adorable, try not to be embarrassed because nothing you did was embarrassing," he says and then loosens his grip so I can step away from the hug.

That makes me feel better. He seems like I didn't embarrassed myself.. maybe it's not as bad as I think? I don't know I feel like even kissing is a bit embarrassing. "I'm really tired so I'm going to- oh, am I allowed to take a shower?" He says now seeming out of place. I need to go over all the rules with him soon.

"Yeah you can but theres a worker who stands outside of the stalls. If he's not there then you cant but therea almost always one," I say and grab his hand and lead him out. He listens to me talk about showers as we walk there and I tell him that I'll get him some comfortable clothes while he showers.

Since there is a worker sitting in the bathrooms I let Oliver go to his stall. He sends me a wink before closing the door. It's just like a public bathroom stall except it's a bit bigger and it has a shower instead of a toilet. I hide my blush by turning around and walking out.

After about ten minutes I'm back with underwear, sweatpants, and a nice gray tshirt. I love the clothes here, it's so comfortable. The only thing is no strings so the sweatpants are always threatening to fall down when I wear them.

There are some workers here that wear scrubs but it's really information but in a good way. It helps patients not feel so distant to the workers. Workers like me and Matty wear our normal clothes but the doctor and nurses do wear professional stuff so its easier for a patient to know the difference. Of course all workers including me have a name tag so it's not that confusing.

I go over to his stall and almost put the clothes on the top of the stall but then I realize I cant reach it. "I got you clothes and a towel," I say and the shower turns off and then he shamelessly opens the door and I close my eyes instantly.

"Thanks love," he says taking the clothes and kissing my lips quickly and I dont move or open my eyes until i hear him get back in his stall. I go to the mirrors and look at my red face. Loverboy keeps being sweet to me and I dont know how to feel about that. I love it but I feel like it's just going to make it hurt worse when he goes after someone else.


Oh god...

What if he likes him and they are mad at each other because Andy doesn't like him!? I sigh and look at the closed stall. I just want to lay in his arms forever and him to actually love me back..

What do I do to make that happen?

Oopssss Andy is thereeee

I wonder how that will turn out

Josh remembers seeing kellin in the hospital with justin, he also is thinking about taking oli to see him.. you think Oli will remember?

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