Chapter 1

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*Alarm goes off* I groan and look at my phone that says "Audition Today!" I smile and hop out of bed. I grab a towel from the linen closet and turn on the shower.

I put on some yoga pants, a black matching sweatshirt, with a pair of lime green converse to top it off. I take a mirror pic and post it on my Snapchat story captioning it "Am I Ready For An Audition?" I smile, grab my purse, dance bag, and walk to my mint green Fiat and drive to the audition.

~~~~After My Audition~~~~~

"Mia Baker and Ashlynn Grogan, Please take a seat" says Tim, Jacob's Manager.
Ashlynn and I take a seat.
"You did really good" whispers Ashlynn
"Really? Thanks. I thought I stumbled a few times. You did better than me though."
Ashlynn nudges Me and says "Uhh Mia, I know we just met and all but I think we are going to be working together."
"Really, Why do you think that?"
Ashlynn points to the 18 other girls that auditioned with us, every single one of them, crying.
I smile. Ashlynn smiles.
"Mia, Ashlynn, We, Jacob and I, are offering you two a job as Jacob's background dancers just for his tour this summer and maybe this could be your permanent job." Says Tim.
Ashlynn looks at Me. I look back at Ashlynn.
"We'll take it." Ashlynn and I say in unison
"I'm so excited to be working with such talented ladies." Jacob says looking at me and Ashlynn.

Keep it together Mia, you can't have a crush on Jacob, that is so unprofessional.
Ashlynn laughs. "Mia, you know you just said that out loud right?"
"Did I really?"
"Yeah, you did, but it was cute" says Jacob smirking.

JACOB WHITESIDES JUST CALLED ME CUTE. I don't know if I can be just a dancer to him.

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