Chapter 14

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Mia's POV

Dear Dad,

Hey Dad! I miss you so so so much.

I loved dancing and being on tour with Jacob, Even though I had to dance for Zach and with Tori, I still enjoyed it. Ashlynn and Dylan had their babies, Little Edwin Chase & Sophia Lynn Holland. Jacob and I were chosen to be the godparents, and we couldn't be more proud. Ashlynn and Dylan are planning on having their actual wedding in 5 months and I'm so excited to be her maid of honor.
Ashlynn's doctor said she can start dancing again in a couple weeks, so Jacob can fire Tori, THANK THE LORD. She was ok to work with for the tour, but I got paid for it, I was also with my best friends, plus my boyfriend. I stayed mature for Jacob and the sake of Tim.
Speaking of Jacob and I, Jacob and I have been dating for 2 Years now. Our anniversary is next week and Ashlynn keeps talking about weddings..So maybe I'll be engaged by the new year?
Edwin and Sophia are just the cutest little things ever!! I love them both to a trillion pieces. Jacob thinks I love them too much for them not even to be my own kids but I adore them. They mean the world to me, mostly because they're my godchildren but the other part is I've spent almost $400 on both of them.
Dylan has been teasing Jacob about us being together for 2 Years and he still hasn't done anything about it. Dylan thinks I care if Jacob pops the question or not, If Jacob asked me, I would say yes but if he didn't, I can wait.
Dad, If Jacob did pop the question anytime soon I wish you were here to see it happen. I miss you so so so so so so much, and I can't wait for you to come home. I know America needs you, but I need my dad. You have been in Afghanistan for almost 7 years straight. I miss you and I need my dad more than anything right now.
I love you, Dad.

I set down my pen and looked over at Jacob with a pen and paper in his hand as well.
"I'm going to go take a nap, Are you going to come?" I ask Jacob wrapping my arms around his neck.
Jacob smiles and kisses me on the cheek.
"Yes I'll be right there, go on." Jacob pushes me away.

Jacob's POV

Dear Mr. Baker,
I saw Mia writing you a letter, so I decided to write you one too. Mia misses you SOOO much. She talks about you more than she talks about her Godchildren. Haha. She loves you more than she loves dancing. Mia loves dancing, she did amazing on tour with me. She was so nervous she was going to slip in front of my fans, but actually a lot of the girls were at the venues for Mia. A lot of the fans didn't even want to meet me at the meet and greets, they asked to see their role model. Mia is such an amazing girl,dancer, aunt and girlfriend. Mr. Baker, I know we only facetimed 50x because of you serving our country. Sir, Mia and I have been dating for 2 years now. I would like to ask you for the approval of asking your daughter to marry me. Mia said you've been busy in Afghanistan, so you can facetime me about this when you get the chance. I love your daughter more than anything, and she means the world to me.
Thanks Again,

I sealed my letter in an envelope, with Mia's and placed it into the care package Mia has set aside for him. I smile at the box and close it up.

I walked into Mia and I's bedroom.
I promised Mia I would come in here when I was done.
She looked so beautiful.
Damn, How did I get her again?


Mia's POV

"Jacob, you're phone is ringing, it doesn't have a caller ID so I didn't answer it." I called for Jacob, as I see him walk around the corner from our bedroom.
"Thanks babe." Jacob kisses me on the cheek and walks away answering his phone.

I look at the stack of mail Jacob and I have. Mostly bills and then that one special pink envelope.
I read the letter about 100x.
"I'll be home soon kiddo, don't worry." And then the other half of the letter says how Jacob is a good kid and how he can't wait to see Edwin and Sophia. My dad has never said he would be home soon...Never said that to me. He always told me he would try, and to stop growing. I missed my dad like crazy and I just wished he was here, for once.

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