Murdoc chokes a kid and it wasn't kinky

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Murdoc is really into taking videos of a lot Of things, it's very cibcerning nel. Evetone wants to call the police but that's ok cause he always escales anyway so it ain't a problem. 

But what put him in a bigger criminal record was the fact that he participated in the gang of this one guy in like middle school that killed a classmate. Well Murdoc didn't kill him himself but he  RE CORDED the situation. This is his story. 

Murdoc was going to school when he saw this one kid being beaten up in the classroom by some other guys idk. They were choking him

"Te gusta verdad cochina?!" They boy who was choking him. The boy couldn't respond and was just doing some dying pig noises. They boy let him go and he ran away like The little bitch that he is. He Gabbie Hanna bullies TURNED around and saw Murdoc recording. He was mad. He took his bitch as ugly dick out to assert dominance

"Perra who do u think u are to record us choking this kid!?!?.1w2,,q,wjsks" the boy said. Murdoc told him that was wasn't here to fight and stop showing him his premature dick. 

"Okstod shwoing me your dick. I pissed on your mom meaning she's mine now so you will have to respec me. Anyway I just wanted to record you putting that bitch in his place." Murdoc explaine dhimself. And no he wasn't kidding when he said he pissed on the boy's mom. 

"Hm, ok. Do u wann be our personal camera man for when we fuck this bitch up?" The boy asked him. 

"Of course. I've got some experience recording videos with your mom if u know what I mean huansuah" Murdoc laughed like the creepy old pickle slut man he fucking is. 

"Ok you see hired- wait what?"

Time skeip 

Murdoc and the kids were bullying the pig ass bitch. The boy was choking him, the other boys were jerking off, the bullied boy was 90 percent dying and 10 percent enjoying wat was happening, and Murdoc was recording the whole ting with his android phone. 

But something happened. The bully stated to threaten the boy, of course it was all fun and games (and kinky) until he started saying he was gonna kill him, for telling his parents about their secret homosexual cult romance. Everyone thought he was joking until the boy actually passes out on the floor. Or should I say passed away cause this bitch actually fucking died. 

Everyone else started to freak out like "BITCH WHAT THE FUCK WE ARE GONNA BE CGRGED IWTH MURDER AGAIN" Murdoc was like "hoe what? Again??." 

"Shut the fuck up Murdoc, boys we gotta leave LETS FUCIING GO GAMERS" they all stated running 

"Wait what about the body? Do we just leave it here?" Murdoc asked

"Yeah it's less work cmon let's go you hot topic green hot sauce motherfucker" he said and ran faster

"No wonder y'all get caught.." Murdoc then catched upto them

Some time later 

A police man found the boys body and called the cops because h can't do his job right. The family of the boy was very sad that he was dead and now wanted to find who did it.

At the skol

The bully boy went over to Murdoc and took him to the bathroom and pinned him

"Woah kid what the fuck I don't like boys your age-"

"I want you to fucking delete those videos you took of us murdering my amorcito. Because now they are onto us and if they find what we did  I'm going to blow up your house and there's no way you can convince me other wise the explosion is gonna be massive, it's about to be mount Fiji in this bitch." The boy threatened whole Murdoc git out of his grasp slowly

"Ok calm down. Listen it's ok I have them my old phone, no one will care to check it"

But little did the bitches knew, the FBI agent saw them and turned them in to the policia. 

A week later

The police found out everyone who was involved and went to the school and ent to the ckassroom of the boys and started taking them. The bully asked the cop if he could have one last wish befire he went to jail because he knew that if he went back there, that one guy who he used to share a cell with told him that if he ever came back he was gonna fuck him in the ass. And so the police man let him go to the principals office to say whatever he had to say.

"I've come to make an announcement. Murdoc niccals is a bitch ass motherfucker. He exposed my ass and escorted the death of my fucking homosexual boyfriend. That's right he took his pussy android phone out and escorted me choking my boyfriend, and he said his video quality was t h I s  b I g. And I said that's so fucking pixilated. So I'm making a call out post on my twitter dot com. Murdoc niccals, you've got a bad phone quality,  it's the size of a bad jpeg except way smaller. And guess what, here's what my phone camera looks like" he then took out his new iPhone 69 and showed it to the whole school to see

"That's right baby, all points, no scams, no pirate shit, look at that it looks like an actual working motherfucking phone. He killed my boyfriend and then pooped on him so guess what I'm gonna kill the school. That's right this is what you get MY SUPER LASER FART. Except I'm not gonna fat on the classrooms, I'm gonna go higher, IM FARTING IN THE ENTURE ATMOSPHEREEEEEE." everyone couldn't believe it, this bitch was insane oh my god. Murdoc was like what the fuck? He sent a laser canon to the highest point just where the atmosphere is, and put that tube up his ass and took the biggest fart in world history, sending it al the way over there.

"How do you like that trump? I FARTED ON THE ATMOSPHERE YOU IDIOT!" the rest I the gorilla gang was like bitch what the fuck ewww 

"You have 23 hours before the fart s me l l I e s get to the stratosphere. Now get out of my ucking sight, or I'll fart on you too." He then dropped the mic and the police took him away.

The Gorillaz team wanted to do something about it, but next thing you know it's been 23 hours and the fart touched the stratosphere and everyone smelled it and it stayed like that for over 3 hours and it was disgusting many people died, fuck even that fart killed coronavirus itself. There were 3 kinds if people, the people with a fart kink that proclaim that "that was the best day of their life", the people that managed to survive and were traumatized for life, and the people who died. 

The bully boy was charged with 20 degree murder and shared a cell with that one guy who said he was gonna fuck him in the ass. And well, he did get fucked in the ass but kinda enjoyed it cause it reminded him on when his dead homosexual boyfriend topped him. 

The end.

An: wow this shit took a lot of time and effort. I stopped paying attention in class to complete this lmaoooo. I hope you enjoyed this and understand the references. 

The announce one was obviously inspired in eggman's announcement in RTFG by snapcube I love them a lot lol. Along with it he efrences here and there tell me if u gottem xd. Well that's all. Have a good day and pay attention in online classes lmao

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