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Izuku Midoriya had absolutely no idea on what to do.

His little wittle 4-years old brain wasn't experienced enough for this kind of situation, and it sure as hell wasn't expecting one like this.

His eyes were focused on a particularly filthy-looking blonde-haired girl, maybe a bit older than him, that ran blindly into a dark alley, tightly grasping something in her hands that Izuku couldn't quite see.

For her whole stay in Izuku's field of vision, a pale and barely readable sentence hovered above her head, for the boy's eyes only:

"Toga Himiko: 6 years old, 1.23 meters tall, currently starving, bruised knees and knuckles, sprained ankle, bleeding lip cut;


Now, allow me to take you a few hours before the event: Izuku Midoriya, 4yr old fanboy extraordinaire, had partaken in his most sacred quest yet, the acquisition of the incredible All Might "Justice World" limited edition action figure.

It had taken him months upon months of preparations and sacrifices to take him where he was now, all for the sake of keeping his nation famous(for him) immaculate collection updated.

The streets of the Musutafu shopping center were completely devoid of obstacles in the form of people as if the structure itself had decided to clear the way for the little green hero and his dear mother, currently struggling to keep up with her son.

Although it was probably because it was so early in the morning that the sun hadn't even come up yet.

Inko had permitted this, still under the effect of pure ecstasy that she got from the most important day in Izuku's life (yet): his quirk exam!

Izuku didn't get one of the flashy quirks: creating a clinical and psychopathological picture of someone and making it appear over their heads wasn't something that most kids, or people in general, would deem as cool, but he was still extremely happy about it.

At least he had something that would've spared him from possible harassment that would've certainly occurred in the case of him lacking a quirk.

Inko had been very surprised by the reaction her son had to the realization that he wouldn't be able to ever become a super-duper-extra-whooper hero like All Might.

She didn't know it yet, but after the few moments of delusions, Izuku had already moved on, accepting his quirk for what it was and deciding that from that day on, he would have trained to become a different kind of hero using his unique ability at its best. The kind that didn't help people with his punches or flaming blasters, but with friendly words of advice and a shoulder to cry on.

Still a bummer, tho. Katsuki will surely give him hell for that.

The action figure was dope.

Sure, Izuku was now broke, but gosh darn was he as happy as a clam.

Maybe 10 or 15 minutes after the shopping was done, the duo had been walking back home, taking us right back to the beginning.

Even to baby Izuku the word 'Psychopath' didn't sound too good, that and the other words that he knew combined awoke a deep desire in him: he needed to help her.

Telling his mom that he was going to Kacchan's house to boast his new figure to him, he quickly ran off in pursuit of the girl, not bothering to check his mother's reaction.

Inko didn't think anything of it until her coffee-starved brain kicked off and realized that first of all, it was 5 am, so most of the Bakugo Residents would probably be asleep at the moment. Second: her 4yr old was roaming the city without supervision at the ungodly time of "I definitely should be asleep right now" AM, and third: just how the hell was Izuku going to gloat about his new action figure to a friend if said priceless item was still carefully tucked under her arm?

And so she followed him.

Izuku made his way into the dark alley, his spirit filled to the brim with this heroic feeling that he didn't dare question.

His body moved on its own, and the only thought present in his mind was that of helping this girl and making sure that those awful words disappeared from above her.

He kept going until the moment his ears noticed a tiny whimper, causing his whole body to stop and turn toward the source.

She was curled up in a corner getting her mini-skirt wet from the puddle beneath her, wearing a traditional student uniform with clear tear stains on her cheeks.

"Are you ok? Do you feel bad?" Izuku asked, walking towards her, causing the girl to slowly turn around and face him.

Izuku thought she looked like a scared cat that got lost. Her eyes, formed by golden irises surrounded by a pale red, scanned him, trying to figure out what to do.

He was now close enough to notice that her lips, much like her whole body, were trembling uncontrollably, with blood leaking out of her mouth.

"Are you feeling bad?" Izuku asked again, provoking a feeble but yet clear nod from her.

"Why?" He asked her.

"M-my p-p-parents t-think that I'm a m-m-monster" she sobbed. "T-they hat-te me.... they d-despise me.... t-they told me I-I was a cu-curse".

"Why do they hate you?" He continued, protruding his arms towards her figure, never looking away from her eyes.

"Be-because they didn't like m-my pr-presents for them" she answered while revealing to the boy her hands' previously hidden content: a bird, a dead one for sure, which had 2 bloody holes in his chest.

"I-I t-thought that- that they would've liked it-t and-d lov-love me again....".

She was on the verge of breaking down again and Izuku acted on instinct: ignoring the bloody content of her hands, he quickly wrapped the girl in a tight hug, to which she immediately responded.

He didn't know how much time had passed since the girl started crying again, but he did not let the embrace falter, not even for a moment, while the girl hung on his body like a lifeline.

After a few more minutes, the girl calmed down.

She cleaned her messy face with the tug of her school uniform's sleeve as well as she could, before looking up at the boy in front of her, who was still holding her close.

"My name is Izuku, Izuku Midoriya, what's yours?", he asked with a soft voice, meeting her eyes.

She looked at him in awe, losing herself in his green eyes, wondering how it was possible that a person as kind as the boy could exist.

"Himiko, Himiko is my name". She whispered.

The boy flashed her a toothy smile, and for the first time in a while, so did the girl.

I'm kinda of an awful writer, but at least I'm better than how I was years ago.

Also I'm very sorry for this long hiatus, I don't have any excuses.

Yeah I'm trying to bring this story back, give it a few fixes here and there and finally trying to end it.

Hope you enjoy it!

Also, I do not and will never own My Hero Academia,
My Hero Academia is owned by his creator Kōhei Horikoshi and Shueisha

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