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"Okay, let's do this one more time: vials?"



"Half-ate it already but it's here"

sigh "...Comically-capacious-bag-considering-its-small-size? Goddamit Hatsume"

"Ehehe, still can't believe you managed to get it made. In my pocket"

"Cloak that doubles as a bodysuit?"

"Izuku, dear, I'm wearing it right now"

"I know I know, just bear with me for a sec, ok? I want you to be ready" Izuku said before going back to his notes.

"You and Uraraka, the gravity girl, are up against Kacchan and Lida, the boy who got screamed at during the first day. He is a fast one with propulsors on the back of his ankles" he said in a monotone voice. "Got all that?" he then added looking back at her.

"Yeah, but that won't matter if everything goes according to the plan" she said getting close to him. "..and now that you made me think about it, there is one more thing I need for this to work" she added showing him her canines.

"Serve yourself" the boy responded, picking her up in a tight hug before the girl bit him in the neck, sucking his blood.

After a few dozen seconds, Himiko let go and licked the spot on her lover's neck clean, before he did the same to her lips with a quick kiss.

"For good luck" he said mischievously, separating from the girl. "Go get 'em Carmilla" he said laughing as she joined Uraraka inside the arena, the boy quickly leaving the scene.

————yo this is the line break remastered———-

"So four eyes, do you have a plan for this or what? 'Cause if it was just me I would blow this place apart looking for the other squad, but you look like you know your shi- I mean your deal, so I am up for suggestions" Katsuki said looking at his taller partner, the two of them trying to come up with a battle plan while in the bomb room.

"Hmm... We are standing in a pretty big building with a maze-like architecture. Perfect to either hide or get lost in. To us, this is a double-edged sword, because while it is true that this room is pretty hard to find, the same can be said about our adversaries, who can appear at any minute, at any place from any direction" Lida said with his hands folded under his chin.

"Fortunately for us, Uraraka's quirk isn't suited for close-space encounters with zero props to use her quirk on, and as long as we don't get fooled into creating some ourselves with our quirks, we should be able to handle the situation by keeping her at a distance" he said getting up. "Do you have any information about Midoriya's quirk?" he added asking the blonde.

"Heh, hers isn't really a great deal if you ask me.

I don't know the specifics, she and Izuku never went into detail and I never cared all that much, but from what I know, if she manages to get her fangs on someone's blood, she can then take said person's appearance for some time, clothes included. Not really the stuff that gets big at kindergarten" Katsuki said with a scoff, remembering how Himiko had only ever had Izuku and himself as friends, as she was deemed as a weirdo by most of their past classmates. Fortunately, she seemed to not care that much about strangers.

"She's a mean one up close, trust me, but if we handle her like we'd handle the pink one, then I don't see us losing anytime soon" he finished.

"All right" Lida said walking towards the corridor, still looking at his companion..."You stay here, I'm going to take a look through the building with my quirk to—oof"... and missing the person he walked right into.

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