A cup of tea with [G O D] aka Nezu

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'Ok Izuku, you're good, you got this under control, you are a mature and serious person who can and will sustain a conversation with one of the most powerful people in the world, ok, ok, no biggie, breath in and out, in and out' Izuku repeated in his head like a mantra while making his way towards the principal's office.

Having spent the prior 3 hours preparing for the meeting both mentally and physically, he thought he had this under control, but he was still getting drenched by his sweat, that for once wasn't caused by the weather.

Let's be real, who wouldn't be nervous over a meeting with the fucking PRINCIPAL of UA?

So here was dressed in one of his father's old suits, that Inko had brought out just for this occasion, just staring at the door of the principal's office, with a jar of freshly-home-baked cookies in one hand and his suitcase in the other, anxiously waiting for his phone to ring in time.





1... 'Here goes nothing!' he thought right before knocking on the door, receiving a cheerful "come in" as an answer.

It's safe to say that all of Izuku's preparation and hard work shattered the moment he stepped in.

Nezu was standing there, sitting comfortably on his chair sipping what seemed like some kind of tea, his relaxed gaze directed at the monitor in front of him. He then looked at Izuku, with a smile plastered on his face. "Good morning Doctor Midoriya! Please, take a seat" the chimera said while pointing at the sofa.

Izuku wasted no time and quickly sat down, placing the jar on the table in front of him.

"Would you like some tea, Doctor? or do you prefer Mister?" Nezu asked while making his way near the table to refill his cup.

"Y-yes please, and you can call me how-however you like S-sir" he answered with a nervous nod.

"You know Mr. Midoriya, for someone so experienced in dealing with complete strangers, you don't seem like the sociable type" Nezu said with a slight smirk. "Flavor?" "G-Green is fine Sir" Izuku answered. "Green huh? Good choice" Nezu replied, taking the correct teapot and filling their respective cups. Once he was done, he sat down in front of Izuku, who was sipping on his cup. "Now, I believe it is time that we talk about more pressing matters rather than beverages, don't you agree?". "I agree sir" Izuku replied.

"If I may ask: how does your quirk work, exactly? Can you explain that to me?" the principal asked him, blowing on his steaming cup.

"I call it CHECK, Sir. When it first manifested it could only show me a simple summary of a person's main characteristics, like name, age, and height but also alterations, like if the person had bruises or was in a visibly altered mood". The green-haired boy took a sip "But as my body grew throughout the years, so did my quirk, that is now able to show me an entire CHECKup of a person, both physical and mental, going much more in-depth with details, and although not until recently, it even includes a description of the person's quirk, all written in a white text inside a black box positioned right above the person's head, Sir" Izuku said. Izuku clicked his tongue, looking at the man in front of him "Unfortunately due to its nature, my quirk is not a fan of privacy, since it can't be turned off". Nezu stiffened at that but quickly regained his composure, already knowing where this was going. Izuku sighed "Yes, I am currently CHECKing you, as you're probably wondering right now, forgive me about that, Sir" he added quickly.

Nezu stood still "....can you tell me what your quirk says about me? You have my permission". Izuku sighed again, took one last sip from his cup, and then began scanning the chimera's text: "You are 55 dog years old, 85 centimeters high and weigh 60 pounds, you're a smoker and are longing for one right now, your quirk increases your IQ exponentially, you suffer from PTSD and have multiple scars on most of your limb joints that were caused by saws...? Are you alright, Sir?" He asked looking at him.

Nezu sat there unmoving with his eyes wide open and his hands trembling rapidly causing the tea to leave the cup and spill everywhere, all while his breathing got more frantic by the moment.

Izuku realized what he had done and quickly made his way beside Nezu and holding on to his figure with care, reminding the principal that the bad times were over and that he was safe, with nothing to worry about.

After repeating the motion for several minutes, Nezu finally calmed down "I-I'm mortified you had to see that Mr... can I call Izuku?" the older man asked. "You can call me however you prefer, Sir" Izuku answered, offering the chimera some of the cookies "My mother baked them yesterday, she would really be delighted knowing that you tried one" he said with the same soft tone as he used during Nezu's breakdown.

The principal took on the offer and proceeded to wolf down half of the jar, after which he relaxed again and spoke "I have to thank you, Izuku. I must say you acted like a true pro back there and although you might not be the kind of hero akin to All Might or Endeavor, what you did before to me and all these years to your patients really show how much of a hero you are".

"Young man, the main reason I wanted you here today was that I wanted to offer you a job, and after seeing and experiencing for myself what you have to offer I'm even more convinced that this is the right choice".

"What I'm offering you is a position here, at UA, as the official Psychologist and Psychotherapist for the hero course, where you would be inserted to not only facilitate relating to the students but also giving you a way to continue your studies" he concluded, sipping what remained of his tea.

No way

"Also, if money is a problem, I'll let you know that the salary is four times your current one, don't ask me how I know it" Nezu added with a wink.

No fucking way

Izuku was dumbstruck.

The principal had just offered him a job that went well over and beyond even his wildest career dreams.

But he couldn't take it just yet no matter how badly he wanted to, he needed his priorities assured.

"Sir, I don't think there are enough words in the vocabulary to express just much I am grateful for the job you offered me today, but I have to ask for something, something that I care very much for, to be added into consideration" Izuku said looking down.

Now it was Nezu's turn to be dumbstruck: the kid wanted more? "What do you want to add to the offer? A higher salary? That can be arranged" he asked Izuku, trying to guess what the kid might've wanted.

"No Sir, the salary you offer is already more than adequate. The thing I want to add is that in case I took the position, I wanted to be granted unlimited access to a specific student you accepted this year, Himiko Midoriya" Izuku answered.

"Ah yes, she passed the test with 87 points if I remember correctly, I see you have the same family name, is she perhaps your sister?" Nezu asked curiously.

"No Sir, despite me caring for her very, very much, the real reason I requested that addition is due to her suffering from psychopathy from the age of 6 to the age of 9. I fear that that long-gone illness may resurface due to possible contact with villains, as expected from the hero course" Izuku stated, now looking at the principal in the eyes.

"So all I'm asking you is to let me intervene in any way I see fit if I see the situation going downhill, that's my request" Izuku finished. "Also she would really like to spend more time with me as possible" he added with a shy smile on his face, touching the back of his head.

Nezu thought carefully about that.. for about 3 whole seconds "Granted, you're free to do anything that you want with your girlfriend as long as it's for her best, you start September 5th" he stated.

Many tears and thank yous followed, after which Izuku got up and said his goodbyes to Nezu, who was currently debating if it was possible to marry a jar of cookies.

Izuku left with a laugh and returned home, where he crashed onto his bed and proceeded to recover from the 4 hours-long meeting in the best way he knew, naps.

I really have to stop finishing this chapters at 2am (didnt change one bit in 2 years my God)

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