Introducing: myself

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U.A., the school every kid in Japan wanted to be in. Cradle to some of the world's most powerful and benevolent heroes, where the students were trained by pro heroes themselves to better the use of their quirks by uncovering the true depth of their potential.

Today, 2 weeks before the first day of school, was the day Izuku was supposed to introduce himself to the school staff and get acquainted as best as he could with both them and the school's overall structure.

He was dressed in fairly formal attire, trying to look as professional as he could, despite his age, in hope of making a good first impression on his soon-to-be teachers/colleagues.
He walked through the gate and entered the facility, traversing through the various hallways and corridors until he managed to reach the teachers' hall. He then knocked on the door and entered the room, filled to the brim with heroes.

The first hero he saw was Recovery Girl, who was happily fixing herself a cup of tea, probably courtesy of Lunch Rush who was currently offering another batch to Hound Dog and Cementoss. N13 was sitting on a sofa chatting with Midnight, who was draped over the sofa's arm, and a rather tired-looking Snipe. Over to the side, Izuku saw Power Loader working on some kind of techy looking remote, all while Ectoplasm and Vlad King were trying to grade some papers, clearly disturbed by Present Mic's loudness as he spoke with a.... uh, a dead giant caterpillar.

Everything changed the moment they spotted Izuku, as each hero turned to look at him, except for the caterpillar.

"Wrong room kid, the bathrooms are on the lower floor" said Snipe, returning to his 'I'm trying to sleep' position. "Ah Midoriya, you have arrived!" Nezu said, appearing from what looked like to be a smoking room, quickly walking towards Izuku and shaking his hand."Welcome young man, may you please introduce yourself to the lads here?" Nezu asked while turning to look at the heroes.

Izuku cleared his voice. "My name is Izuku Midoriya, I am 15 years old, and I've been selected by Principal Nezu as the official psychologist and psychotherapist for the hero course here at U.A. It is a great honor to be able to stand here in your presence" he said with a bow.For several seconds a weird and pregnant silence reigned over the room, finally being broken by, strangely enough, the caterpillar. "......what is the meaning of this, Nezu?" the caterpillar asked, manifesting a mouth from a... zip?

The chimera popped a mint into his mouth, "I've been thinking about introducing someone like the young Midoriya here in our school for quite some time. Do not let his young age deceive you, my friends. Despite being so young, he possesses incredible talent at doing what he does, that combined with his incredible quirk and his determination, surely renders him as one of Japan's best in his sector." He stated, pacing around the room.

"And if even that is not enough to convince you, then I have to add that I can personally vouch for him because after having seen him in action I can assure you that he knows damn well how to do his job." He said, taking a cigarette from his pocket stash, looking at it for a few seconds and then putting it away.

"Midoriya will be inserted in the A-section of the hero course for a better understanding of the students and as a way for him to continue his studies. He will be granted the same level of authority as all of you here inside the school" he said walking to the caterpillar and giving it a light kick. "Aizawa, he will be in your class, so you can't expel him on command." He stated before turning around to face the other heroes.

"Any questions?". He added.

There wasn't a lot of them, thankfully.

Just a couple of questions about his qualification and successes, some minor details about his quirk that weren't included in the memo Nezu totally forgot to give them earlier, and one from Recovery Girl, who asked if she could be his tutor.

The rest of the day went smoothly, as he decided to set up his new office at the school, whose walls were now filled to the brim with All Might's inspirational posters.Once finished, there was nothing else that he had to do for the day, and since it was rather early in the evening since he still was on holiday, he planned to just go back home and then nap in his room for a while.

He was sure some part of his mind half-expected this, but he was still very surprised in finding a sleeping Himiko laying in his bed with only lingerie on.Once getting over his stupor, the bpy just chuckled at the adorable sight, moving to sit beside his beloved.
Himiko had probably wanted to surprise him after the meeting, judging by what she was wearing and especially considering their mother was on vacation in the states visiting his father. 

'She must've ended up falling asleep waiting for me' he thought with a smile.He caressed her sleeping face in a lovely manner, nudging her cheek with the side of his finger, as if she was made of glass.
"I had a meeting with the U.A. teachers today, Himiko. They're all so cool" He said looking at her, his eyes filled with love."But none of them are as cool as you" he added before planting a tender kiss on her forehead.

He laid down beside her on the bed, pulling the covers up to cover them both.He hugged her figure and positioned his chin on the crook of her neck, with her back against hiis chest, kissing her one more time before falling into a deep slumber, faintly hearing the girl mumbling his name in her sleep.

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