Present day and Yuuei?

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Izuku checked his phone and let out a sigh, wiping the sweat off his forehead

Even though it was early September and currently 7:23 pm, the temperatures didn't dare to lower, as if someone forgot to tell the sun to chill.

The now 15 years old young man was very quickly regretting refusing his colleague's offer of a ride home and was walking his way back, cursing his decision every step of the way.

He really couldn't wait to finally get home, longing for the warm comfort of his home to soothe the stress of today's sessions with his patients.

Don't get it wrong, though, because while the job drained him mentally every single day, Izuku loved it. Most of the patients he visited had very common and fairly normal illnesses, aside from one guy that took an appointment just to try to get sodomized by Izuku... he was swiftly sent to intensive care.

Even if it contained some particular cases like that one, Izuku paid them no mind, and every time that one of his patients returned with an illness missing from their clinical picture, all the stress and tiredness in his body paled in comparison to the utter joy he felt.

Despite his young age, Izuku had managed to become one of the most sought-after doctors in Japan, all thanks to his quirk and empathetic personality that combined with his determination to always strive towards success, guaranteed most patients a total recovery after 4 or 5 sessions with him. He was always full of work, with a waiting list that lasted months, but it was all worth it in the end.

Also, he simply could not wait to see Himiko again.

Sweet mother of Jesus, how he missed her.

While Izuku loved his job, his heart would always belong to the girl he had met so long ago and that had been with him since. Staying away from home, and consequentially her, for the majority of the day was without a doubt the biggest downside of the gig. Sometimes, when chatting with her wasn't enough, he had to plea to his secretary to let him leave for a couple of dozen minutes just so that he could get his fill of her to get through the day. And it wasn't like she was against it, far from it, sending him dozens of messages and pictures every hour they stay separated

He was so lucky to have found her that day.

While he was deep in a memory lane remembering all the good things that Himiko's presence had brought into his life, Izuku's trusty autopilot kicked in and proceeded to guide him the way back home, albeit ignoring most of the young man's surroundings. Thanks to that, he failed to notice a certain blonde girl waiting for him with open arms right in front of the door, who was failing to contain her laughs as she looked at him.

Sure enough, Izuku walked straight into her waiting arms and was promptly squished like a human-sized toy bear, finally waking up thanks to the now familiar sting he felt near his throat. He immediately put his arms around her, enveloping her figure in a hug of his own and tightening up his grip to hold her as close as possible.

"Did you miss me, Izu-baby?" she said while licking the bloody spot her teeth left on his neck. "You know I always do..." he said while smelling her hair, causing her to giggle softly. "Me too.... and while I would love to stay like this for the rest of my life, the letter came in today, sooo...." she said before roughly grabbing Izuku and bringing him straight to her room. "Hey, at least let me change into something more comfortable! This weather doesn't help with the sweating you know?" he tried to argue, failing miserably. "No time, can't care, too excited" she said, denying his request but letting him at least give his mother a quick hello before he was thrown into the girl's room.

Inko hadn't been very pleased in finding her son in a dark and dirty city alley after he had shamelessly lied to her, but all the rage she felt vanished the instant her eyes laid upon little and defenseless Himiko, holding onto Izuku like her life depended on it, frightfully looking at the adult. Her motherly instincts took over and took care of the matter, causing the next three days to blur together as she devoted most of the time to taking care of Himiko, with Izuku always by her side.

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