First day, yay

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Izuku woke up, but his mind sure as hell did not believe it.

Unshed tears filled his eyes as beads of sweat poured down from every pore on his body, as his brain tried to accept the fact that it was no longer stuck in the nightmare. His heartbeat was off the charts and his breathing was ragged and frantic, prompting him to go against his instincts and force his eyes shut. He stood still for a few moments, finally calming and resuming to breathe normally, still taking him several more seconds for him to open his eyes again, finally assessing the truth. He stood up and was thankful for not having made too much noise, as he didn't like to wake others up with his night terrors.

He turned his head and took in the sight of Himiko's dormant body, naked under the bed covers wrapped around her, and then looked at the clock on his wrist, '5:45 am huh? Not so bad' he thought while yawning. He kissed his girlfriend's forehead, got off the bed, and tried to walk towards the bathroom as silently as humanly possible, taking a long hot shower in hope of washing away his most recent nightmare and relaxing his nerves, as being calm would greatly aid the coming day.

He already knew today's schedule and the only thing that caught his interest was the quirk apprehension test, in which the students(excluding him) would have to face multiple tests with their quirks and receive a score based on their performance. Professor Aizawa had already informed him that he intended to expel the student who would've come last, if they did not prove to be worthy, and while he agreed on that, he could not spare him a comment on how brutal it was.

——————-Hi I'm the time skip——————

Izuku was, yet again, at the gate of U.A., this time with Himiko at his side, their hands locked together as they walked inside the giant building. The couple didn't have any problems in finding their classroom, with Izuku having already memorized the key points in structure layout in the past 2 weeks, and arrived at their destination quickly enough.

Even from the corridor outside the class they could the very familiar yelling coming from inside it causing the couple to giggle, already knowing the source of the noises. "You didn't tell me we were in the same class as him" Himiko asked. "And spoil the surprise? Never" Izuku laughed before they made their way in. As expected, the source of 90% of the noises inside the class was non-other than Katsuki Bakugou, an old friend of theirs and a former patient for Izuku, currently arguing in his usual explosive manner with a tall boy wearing glasses. "That one kinda looks like a robot." Himiko said while looking at the boy's arms.

After half a minute of watching this fanfare, Izuku decided to step in. Firstly, because he was getting tired of all the noise, and secondly, he really didn't want Bakugou getting in trouble on the first day of high school, especially knowing Aizawa's threats. So he let go of Himiko, who devilishly grinned at him and approached his friend. "Kacchan!" He greeted the blonde, patting him on the shoulder "How are you doing? How's your mother?" he asked him. "Izuku what the fuck are you doing here?!" Katsuki asked in complete surprise, quickly realizing that He. Had just sworn. In front of Izuku.

He immediately put his hands over his mouth, in a vain attempt of showing regret for what he had just done, all while Izuku glared at him. Fortunately for the blonde, Izuku broke off into a laugh. "Guess we still have to work on that attitude of yours, don't we?" Izuku said to him before turning to the blue-haired boy. "Please excuse him for his behavior. He can be a bit harsh, but he is a good person" Izuku said. "Now, do you have something you want to say, Kacchan?" he added, causing Bakugou to let out a breath he didn't know he was holding before and turned to Lida. "I'm deeply sorry for the way I treated you, I hope we can be friends" he said with a bow and only a little quiver in his voice.

Izuku smiled satisfied with the results of his work and turned his attention to the yellow sleeping bag at the side of the teacher's desk, surprisingly being the only person in the classroom to question its presence there. He went near it and shook it a bit. "Mr. Aizawa wake up, it's time" he said before making his way back to Himiko, who was busy carving something out of her new desk. Not before long, the bag magically stood up and unzipped from the inside, revealing non-other than The man who-looked-like-he-hadn't-sleep-in-a-week-even-though-he-had-mostly-done-exactly-that, also known as Shota Aizawa.

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