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There's this man, standing on the edge of the cliff, staring at the pinkish sky. This businessman is so tired living his life, he wanted to end this since no one will care for him, no one will stop him, no one will save him from his sadness, not even his parents.

His both parents were into business, so ever since he was born, they were not there for him. He was raised by his nannies, growing up with no friends, bullied when he was still studying, and now, he is both depressed and stressed.

He looked at the bouncing waves below, he would definitely die if he'll jump, and it's a good thing to know for him.

This businessman is Mew Suppasit, yes he's rich, but money can't buy him happiness, money can't buy him love and attention. For him, suicide is the only solution to stop this pain he carried.

He took his last step and his last deep breath before he jumped off the cliff, but instead of falling, he felt someone was pulling him from falling off the high edge. He fell into the man's arms, tears were terribly falling as well.

"What the heck do you think your doing?!" The man tightened his grip on Mew, making sure he can't run. "Let me go, I want to die...."

"How could you say that?! You don't have the right to take your own life!" The man was mad, Mew had no idea why the stranger raised his voice to him. "B-But I want to...." Mew was being pushed by the angry man, and he was mesmerized by the beauty of the stranger. Perfect eyebrows, fierce eyes, and an adorable smile. "Is it because you feel worthless?! Is it because you feel unloved?! Are those your reasons?!" Mew nodded.

The man pulled him by his collar, he can see the anger in his eyes. Mew was scared, and was thankful to him. "Listen here, yes I just met you, I didn't even know your name. But you know what? I care for your existence, You are not worthless, you are not unloved, you are not alone, you have me." The man's voice became gentle, his hands were now on his shoulders, comforting him.

"Just... Don't do that again." Mew nodded again, his tears kept on falling but his heavy feeling was slowly lightened, thanks to the handsome stranger. "Just cry it out, I'm here." Mew followed what the man said, he leaned his face on his shoulder and started to cry out all of his feelings. The man just rubbed his back, comforting him while whispering 'It's okay', 'you're gonna be okay'.

"T-Thank you.... I would've been dead if you didn't came."

"No problem man, just don't do it again. Well, since I'm here, maybe you can tell me what's bothering you. Maybe I could help." Mew's face lightened up as he heard the man's words, an instant friend it is. "R-Really?"

"Yeah, you can tell me. Your secret's safe in me. Now tell me, do you need attention to your parents? Or...." The man widened his smile with a smirk. "Are you gay?"

"G-Gay?" Mew stuttered, making the stranger laugh. "Yeah, are you? Don't be shy, this man in front of you is not just an ordinary man. I'm gay." The man winked at Mew, making him slightly blush, cheeks were as pink as the sky. "I-I'm gay..... And being like one is the reason why people don't want me."

"Hmm, just because people don't accept you for who you are doesn't mean that you can't find your happiness at all." The man smiled as he gave his advice to Mew, stranger or not, Mew is just happy that someone listened to him all ears. "Even if you're in your darkest days, happiness will always find a way to light your way." Mew was a bit motivated because of the stranger, who helped him realize that someone still cares for him, even if he's just a total stranger. "You haven't found your happiness before, or you may not yet found your happiness right now. Just wait, it will come to you as a 'something' or a 'someone'." The man maintained his smile, making sure that Mew will get comfortable with him, he's really that friendly. "My name's Gulf, a college teacher. What about yours?"

"H-Huh? M-My name?" The man--Gulf nodded.

"M-Mew.... I'm Mew."

Gulf gave him a smile, a sweet friendly smile that made Mew smile as well. "Well Mew, I am now your friend. You can tell me your problems everytime, I'm always here to listen."

"Thanks Gulf, but you are a college teacher, you are busy. I don't want to disturb you by telling you my nonsense problems." That only made Gulf laugh at the cute expression of Mew, yeah it's cute. "I know how to manage my time, don't worry."

Gulf looked at his watch and sighed, it was already 6 in the evening. "I have to go Mew." Gulf stood up, ready to leave Mew on the ground, looking at him. "See you tomorrow then."

"W-Wait..." Gulf turned around as he heard Mew's voice, smile was still placed on his lips. "C-Can I have your number? So that I will know where you are." Gulf smiled at Mew, he's just so adorable. "Sure." He gave his number to Mew and Mew did the same.

"Thanks." Gulf nodded and turned away from Mew, smile was maintained. "See you around, Mew."

"Yeah, see you around."

Then, Gulf disappeared on Mew's eyes, making him smile and leap in joy, he had no idea why he felt like this but, at least he came and listened to him all ears.

Damn, he's cute.

My Missing Puzzle Piece <MewGulf>Where stories live. Discover now