XIII: Boarder Between Friendly And Flirty

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Now, lie! Tell him it was just a joke before you embarrass yourself any further! The moment it slipped her mouth, Melody had been in a mild case of panic. And Clarence's expression did nothing but heighten it up. For real, she had actually ask her childhood frienemy to go on a date with her.

Who in their right mind does that? No normal girl would just go and casually say something like;

'hey, I know we've been fighting like ever since I could remember, why don't we be friends and go on a date?'

That doesn't sound right. Not in any bit. Actually Melody herself didn't know where the idea came from. It just arrived and the words just went out without comprehension.

Is she still drunk? No. She's far sober now. Maybe it's her hangover? But she's sure it was long gone after she dozed off awhile ago.

She hid her nervousness as she looked straight at Clarence across the dining table who looked fazed with his mouth almost at a gawk. Clarence might think she has literally lost it and hit her head hard on the wall because of her breakup Xander. His face almost made a 'what did you just say?' expression while he was actually looking at her like she grew multiple heads.

Gosh Melody, can't you be more stupid?

"I mean, honestly. I thought I need distraction, that's all. So don't get any ideas about it."

She blew quickly, as if reviving before the air between them become thick with awkwardness.

She watched as Clarence's dumbfounded expression shifted. Melody can't blame him for reacting that way, she had thrown herself off guard too. It's a good thing that the first reason that popped her mind is the truth.

Maybe she could engage herself with other people, with him, with anyone, with anything, off and away from the break up at least for a while until she muster up guts not to breakdown and instead be able to think of a solution. Maybe a week of distraction might help. It might sound so unlike her but she didn't really care. No, not this time. She knew for a fact that she can't bare the wound Xander caused her but she's willing to do a different approach.

She was drawn back when she heard Clarence's sniffled laughs. She frowned at him as she registered his infamous smirk. Of course, Clarence is never the type who falls dumbfounded without and not be able to have a composed comeback.

And now here it is, the smirk. The one she's been too familiar of. The one that makes her tell 'braise yourself Melody, here comes nothing good.'

She Mentally made a countdown.

'Oookay, here comes cocky Clarence in three, two, one...'

"I knew you it! You're starting to have a crush on me. I see even you couldn't resist my charm."

He leaned forward and moved his brows up and down a couple of times.

Now it's Melody's turn to choke on her tea. She? Having a crush on him? What are they? high schoolers?

"Curvy's not really my type but hey, I can be flexible." He even winked.

Melody blushed. No not because of the fact that he's overly trying to flirt all of a sudden but because he reminded her of her size. Of course Melody is still on the err... plus size. Merely between size 11 and 12. It's been a while though since she heard him mock her with that.

"Stop it will you? It's not like it's something new. I mean we've been pretending that we're going out since the betrothal. I just need to keep my thoughts away from... you know what."

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