XXIII: The Proposal

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Clarence woke at the sweet sound of Melody groaning as she also awaken, stretching, making the sheets beneath them wrinkle more.

Her disheveled brown hair covered a portion of her almost ivory white angelic face, making a perfect contrast.
A yawn escaped from her pink plump lips, reminding him of it’s suppleness he came to meet just hours ago.

Damn, I could wake up like this everyday, he thought as their eyes met. Still overjoyed with memories of last night.

“Good morning.” Never mind that his voice came out like grovel, he smiled widely at her, and planted a kiss on her forehead.

“I’ll go make us breakfast.” He heard her say bashfully as she tried to get out of bed. He however, pulled her by the waist before being able to get up.

“Let’s stay like this for the meantime.” He said as he cradled her, and nuzzled into her hair, inhaling the familiar faint scent of vanilla and strawberries. When he felt her cuddle into him, placing her head unto his chest, he could have sworn he felt butterflies dancing in his stomach.

He’d even bet, Melody can hear how fast his heart is beating at that very moment. Not that he’d mind though. Let her know all the effects she had on him, there’s no way he’d let her out his hug any time soon.
He closed his eyes, loving the feel of her soft smooth skin against his. Cuddling her like this soothed him, calmed him, like he’d care not at any problems of the world. If he could, he’d have them stay in bed like this all day. When was the last time he felt this much content?

“This is starting to be my favorite place.” He sighed in contentment.

“D-Darren saw you looking this place up so we decided it will be the perfect place to celebrate your birthday and unwind for a bit.” He heard her say still laying on his chest, not realizing he wasn’t pertaining to the island.

“Hands up to your taste! Is this one of your bucket list?” She added. He smiled at the ceiling and started combing her hair before answering;

“Well, honestly I was looking it up because I overhead you and Darren talking about snorkeling before.” He smiled widely again, when she looked up at him.

“So apparently we didn’t pick this place for you, but rather, you picked this place for us.” He watched as her brows went up amazed with the discovery.

“Yep… I’m hoping now I’m charming you even more at how thoughtful I am?”

“You don’t have to. I’m already completely charmed.” He felt her hug him tighter as she pillowed on his chest yet again, making his heart swell.

Maybe Darren was right. Ever since he kissed Melody that night at the overlooking, he’s been nothing but a lovesick high schooler.
With her, it’s as if everything felt new and refreshing. Like she had him wrapped around her fingers. And damn be told, he doesn’t mind at all.


“A-are you sure about this?” It’s been the third time she asked Darren as she tugged at the hem of the short dress she was wearing.

“Rain fairy, I told you, Big brother will be surprised once we come barging in while he’s sleeping.” A Cheshire smile drew on Darren’s face coupling it with a thumbs up.

“No. I mean the dress, Darren… I feel like I’m in some kind of hentai or something… “ Another tug was aimed at the hem of the dress yet again.

Darren thought that it would be a wonderful idea to have her cosplay in a maid café dress. To top things up, he had him wear a cat ears headband with it too!
How did he even manage to pack it along with him here? More importantly, where did he get the damn dress!?

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