XIV: Surprise Surprise

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AN with love:

Hi everyone!I know its been awhile my deepest  apologies.  I've been lacking inspiration... so how about you lovelies help me and be my inspiration by clicking the star botton?  hihi. :))
Leave me love.



"Hey, elder brother."

Brother. Brother. Brother. The word rang inside Melody's head a couple of times before it sink in.

"B-brother?" Her voice almost sounded like a squeak as it came out fast indicating just how shock she is.

Clarence raised a brow. "Yes, missy. Didn't I told you that it's my brother, Dylan that I asked to pick you up?"

If anything, this only made her draw a more confused expression.

"You knew all along that we will be in the same uni but you didn't tell me?"

"Uhm, I thought you'd figured that out."

She quickly looked back at Darren.

"But I thought your name is Darren."

Clarence observed as his younger brother smiled, amused at Melody's silliness. She looked little Alice in wonderland. Lost in a beautiful cute way.

Clarence planned to stay at the background as he watch his younger brother and his cute err... figuratively 'younger sister' continue bantering around.

"Yep." Darren popped the p as if answering the most obvious thing, "Darren's my nickname by the way." He shrugged. And yet again coupled it with a boyish smile.

Melody frowned, she has a feeling that Darren did things intentionally.

"But awhile ago when I told you someone was about to pick me up, why didn't you just said it was you?"

"Huh? But that's exactly what I said, rain fairy." He mirrored Melody's confused look. "I told you it's me who's gonna pick you up didn't I?"

Looking back, he is right that's what he said. Has it been her fault for jumping up to conclusion that he's another person?

How did she even came up with the idea of having her brother-in-law's friend pick her up anyway? Rather, how could she know that it was just a nickname? She made mental interogation.

But how about their little talk about the coffee maker? He could have flat down said it was from him. Melody had an inkling of doubt that Darren did that on purpose. But what for? Minus the player aura, he seemed to be a nice guy.

"Hey! You're spacing out." Melody snapped hearing Clarence's voice. She palmed her forehead, apparently he snapped a finger on it again earning a muffled snicker from Darren.

'Great.' She almost muttered. Looks like being around these two would cause her double the headache. At least Darren seemed to be less of a jerk than Clarence was when he was the same age as his younger brother. Or is it too early to tell?

She does remember Clarence said Darren could be more of a jerk than him. Either that's true or he's just putting it too negatively.

"Uhm. Hello? Earth to Melody." That's when she realized she hadn't made any response to Clarence yet. And before she was able to Darren piped in,

"Is it too much for you to handle two handsome guys for a threesome? We could do it nice and slow." Darren winked.

With the flirtatious way Darren sounded Melody inevitably perceived the double meaning of the statement. And by the way Clarence looked with a smirk on his face she could swore Darren really did it on purpose.

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