2. First Night of Work

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He arrived at the bar minutes before 7 PM. He planned to come earlier but he picked Iya up from her school first and took her home. He found the bar's owner chatting with a handsome foreign man in a black suit. When the former saw him, he was motioned to come closer. 

"Inoue, he's going to take you to your boss. If you need anything from me, you know my number. Just call me anytime, okay?" He glanced at the small backpack that the young man was carrying.

"I will." Inoue smiled and followed the burly man as they walked out of the bar. While following, he studied the latter. "He's too tall, I look like a middle schooler beside him. He gives out an aura of a skilled fighter but somehow, he seems gentle."

It didn't surprise him anymore that a very luxurious black car was waiting for them. As the most favored escort in the city, it was not just once that he was picked up this way.

"Don't talk unless the boss talks to you. Don't make any unnecessary sound, he strongly dislikes noises. A bow to greet him is enough. Never try to touch him or any of his things. Only the boss can touch you unless he asks you to do something for him." The big man glanced at him and Inoue smiled at the other. "You can call me Toya."

"Your name is Japanese?" He tried to act calm and natural.

"My mother is Japanese." The other just flatly answered.

When Toya no longer talked, he also stayed silent.

They reached a huge villa that although he already went out with so many rich men and women, it was still the most grandiose one compared to all others that he saw. Without introducing him to any servant that bowed at him, he was directly led to a room.

"Oh, well, I'm just a servant, too, anyway." He silently shrugged.

"This is your room. Without the permission of the boss, you are not allowed to go around the house and talk to anyone. The boss doesn't like his things being unnecessarily reachable and accessible."

"Things. That's a funny way to explain." He maintained an unaffected face and just listened.

He looked around the room and got amused with it. Instead of calling it a 'room', it was more appropriate to call it an apartment inside a gigantic house. It was even bigger than their family's apartment. Aside from a bathroom, it also had its own complete kitchen, living room, a study area with a computer, a balcony and of course, the biggest area, was the 'bedroom'.

"If you need anything, just call for one of the servants." Toya pointed to the modern intercom on the kitchen partition. "If you don't have any questions, I'll take my leave now."

"Will I meet him tonight?"

He followed as the other walked towards the door. As he watched Toya's back, he already formulated another conclusion about both of their jobs. That was; it was Toya's duty to be hard, and it was his duty to be submissive. These characters were also being paid.

"Yes, but don't ask this question again. Your job is to serve him, not to know his schedule."

"Understood. Thank you." He simply smiled and nodded.

Before he left home, he already ate an early dinner with his family so now that Toya already left, he just wanted to take a warm shower. Needless to say, the bathroom was as elegant as the whole house. He quickly cleaned and freshened himself then wore a white t-shirt and a pair of pajama pants. He actually just brought two pairs of clothes, the ones to wear tonight and the ones to wear tomorrow.

After drying his hair, he sat in front of the computer and searched for more information about his new employer. To his dismay, the boss seemed to have lived a very discreet and well-covered life. No pictures about him, no news, no magazine articles, not even a single online article.

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