6. More Valuable

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Early in the evening, Aldrin received a call from Toya. He wanted to go home early but he couldn't leave yet. He still had a meeting at 6:30 PM.

"What is it?"

"Sir, Inoue wants to go to the office. Should I take him there?"

"All right."

Just as the meeting finished, Toya and Inoue arrived. Only the latter went inside the office as Toya remained at the floor's reception area outside.

"What's the matter?" Aldrin looked up when Inoue came in. He saw that the young man was carrying a bag in his hand.

"I'm sorry for barging in during your time of work, Sir. I was---"

"Either you stop calling me Sir and start calling me by my name, or you can just leave now. I'm tired of hearing people calling me that today."

Inoue understandably nodded. "Are you still busy?"

"No, I'm done for today. Is there a problem?" He stared at the bag.

Inoue's face flushed and he looked away. He was questioning himself now for having such an absurd idea. "Umm... I heard from Toya that you'll be working late tonight. I was... I was hoping we could have dinner together. I just want to thank you for your help last time."

Aldrin got confused in seeing the other's red face and fidgeting. "And?"

"I..." He quickly glanced at the man sitting behind the desk before immediately looking away again. "I cooked some dishes and... brought them here." 

That hit Aldrin like a lightning bolt that he found it extremely hard to hide the smile tugging on his lips. "Ah... so cute... He'll make a good wife."  The thought tickled his heart with sweetness that he couldn't erase his smile. Good thing Inoue was still avoiding his gaze.

"I see." He  curtly answered but the truth was, he was so happy that he really wanted to kiss the flustered young man in front of him.

In hearing the short response, Inoue suddenly remembered that Aldrin might have some other plans for tonight. 

"But if you have something else to do, I can just go home. I can eat this at home. I'm sorry if I simply barged in while you're at work." He rushed speaking almost without breathing in between words.

Without answering, Aldrin stood up and walked towards him. He bent to take the bag from Inoue and took it to the pantry. The latter was dumbfounded by his actions and had no time to protest.

"This is heavy. Did you carry this all the way from the car?"

"No, Toya did." He followed the latter and immediately prepared and served the dishes on the table. 

The pantry was complete with the necessities and the utensils in the kitchen so he was able to quickly set up the table. He even brought a jug of peach and mango fruit slush. 

Aldrin was leaning on the counter just watching him. More of, enjoying the scene. 

"How are you feeling now?" 

"Better, thank you." He smiled then gestured Aldrin to sit down. "Let's eat?"

They ate in silence while Inoue stole glances at Aldrin. The latter seemed to be completely focused in enjoying his meal. He finished all the food before the former could finish the ones on his plate.

"Was it not enough? Are you still hungry?" 

He thought he prepared a lot. He cooked two meat dishes, one vegetable dish, a clam chowder soup and even included two servings of fruit salad for dessert. The only one left for him was a serving of fruit salad. Aldrin finished everything. 

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