first day 2♡

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Walking in the doors, she took deep breaths since she had sprinted to school to avoid being late. She made it just on time to be greated by a strange blue haired boy who was constantly waving his hands. "I understand your new to the class but that gives you no excuse to be late, Okay!!!" He said as he waved his hands. "Um what?" All she could muster as she was confused, who was this dude and why was he giving out to her.

"Do you understand me? Oh and my name is Tenya Iida" He said. Jane went to open her mouth to respond but a caterpillar thing crawled past her making her stumble back, "WHAT THE-" She fell back into someone. Hands bigger than her own grabbed her shoulders as to push her off them, as that was happening she heard a voice say "WATCH IT YOU DUMB EXTRA-" In between what he was saying he paused because his red eyes met her blue ones.

"You again" he narrowed his eyes. "Wow thanks" she stood up straight brushing his hands of her shoulders, " I dont like you either" She huffed at him. Before another word could be said the catipiller thing unzipped itself and stood up. He looked like a man that was completely done with life, she could relate to him.

"Take a seat class" he said in a tired tone, while everyone rushed to there seats she simply stood there with a, What do I do? Expression. Noticing her he sighed, "We have a new student today" looking towards her he gestured for her to walk up and explain yourself, which she did. "Make it quick.." he mumbled to himself. Standing at the top of the class her started with the basics her name, quirk, and throwing in a few other things.

But she got so cot up in explaining her identity she didnt notice the red eyes in the right corner looking at her with interest. Katsuki never liked girls, he always thought of them as moany and found them weak but she was different. He only met this girl dismorning and he already knew she was hot headed and dont take shit, he would never admit it but he found that attractive.

He was angry since he never felt this way before but he subconsciously took notes of her likes and dislikes, they will come in handy later. He chuckled lowly to himself as he looked out the window pretending to not give a shit like always but he was listening to every word.

He wasnt the only person interested in her though, Izuku was taking hero notes on her and analysing her while mineta couldn't stop staring at her body (pervert). A few other people thought she sounded cool and would soon plan of befriending her. She finished saying a few things on herself and was told to sit in the seat next to katuki, she growned out loud for show but she did find him attractive even if he had a bad mouth his body was something else.

( Authors note: The first few chapters to this story are really short sorry about that!♡ As the story goes on the chapters will get longer I promise♡ )

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