Usj 4♡

22 3 1

Ignoring the blasts and screams from behind her Jane kept running and eventually came across what she was looking for, the metal structure. 'How many should I take?' She thought to herself, She knew she needed a lot to take down Tajima since he was a man but she also needed to trap Satoru aswell and somehow get his guns away from him.

 'How many should I take?' She thought to herself, She knew she needed a lot to take down Tajima since he was a man but she also needed to trap Satoru aswell and somehow get his guns away from him

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(AN~ This is what I mean when I say metal beam btw so just imagine them^)

She knew she only had so many chances with taking the villains down so she took loads of the beams with her. Her movements where getting slower because of quirk usage and blood loss but she didnt care, There was only one thing on her mind. Taking down these villains. Using her quirk she raised the beams up high and out of sight so when she approached the area where the boys where fights Tajima and Satoru she could hide and put her plan into action.

As she was running as fast as she could through the grounds she was thinking about her plan. She knew the second she trapped Tajima she was gonna get targeted by Satoru who was going to try get Tajima out but maybe in that moment she could get the boys to jump in and take Satoru down. 'Would that be to reckless?' She though to herself. "I know katsuki would be down to do it" she mumbled to herself as she rolled her eyes and smirked.

She crouched down in the dirt to see what was happening but to also avoid being seen by anyone. What she saw didnt surprise her at all, Katsuki was going all out and blasting himself around Tajima and catching him with some bad burns. Kirishima used his quirk and hardend so Satoru's bullets couldn't pierce his skin and he was getting some good hits in with a few set backs.

The boys had been fighting for a while so they were starting to get worn down from the loss of energy. Jane knew she had to catch Tajima and Satoru some how together since if she messed up and only caught one the other would free them instantly, thinking about it for only a few moments she used her telekinesis to move most of the metal beams back so she could have a better chance at catching them.

Kirishima saw her while he was fighting so in those few moments were they exchanged looks she signed at him to be a shield for katsuki for a minute, The gestures she made where childish like symbolizing katsuki she made some funny exposing hand signs and for a shield she covered herself with her arms. Kirishima quickly got her message and went about making it happen.

Katsuki blasted himself back and was about to blast himself forward to catch Tajima again but kirishima moved and grabbed him and covered him for a moment. Jane quickly slammed som of the metal beams down onto the hard ground causing rocks to fly up and fall down like hail.

Tajima and Satoru quickly got pissed after being hit with about 30 stones to the head and body and went to charge at the boys again only to see that they had been blocked by the beams so they could no longer reach the boys, Tajima quickly figured out were the beams came from and charged in that direction since he knew that dumb quirk from anywhere, Satoru quickly following behind him.

Jane saw them coming and started to run to the area she had the rest of the metal beams planted. Since she was closer she got there quicker and hid in one abandoned building so she could watch from a far. Tajima and Satoru quickly stopped in the middle of the area trying go look for her so she decided to taunt them a bit since they had been assholes to deal with. "What's wrong ? Lost me again? How sad can use get" she laugh to herself as she used her telekinesis to broadcast her voice around so they couldn't tell which building she was in.

"This is revenge for the trouble you and your boss have caused my friends, Fuck you both!" she said as she let all the beams fall. Avoiding there heads (since she didn't want to kill them) they fell on top of the men successfully trapping them but halfway through watching the scene her legs started to get weak and her vision started to blur "Shit I overused my quirk" she said as he got on her knees to avoid falling but unknowingly to her Tajima still had some energy and used his quirk to destroy some of the stone of the bottom of the building.

Causing the building to start falling forward. Jane tried to get up but it was to late, the building was already to far gone. Jane covered her head and braised herself for impact. "KARMA'S A BITCH" Was the last thing she heard from Tajima before she was consumed by the rubble of the building.

💥Katsuki's pov💥

(AN~ This is back when kirishima covered him to protect him from the stones)

The rocks finally stopped falling and I pushed shitty hair of me. All the explosions I made had started to fuck up my hands and wrists. I was fine though I'm not weak like fuckin deku, looking around I saw shitty hair stop hardening and his cuts were bad that asshoke with the gun must have got some good shots at him to make his skin like that.

My hands started to have a throbbing pain from all the fighting which I found annoying as fuck but I couldn't focus on that right now, after looking around I saw the two assholes start running towards something clearly giving up on fighting me and shitty hair. I started to pick myself up of the ground so I could shout at them but then I saw her. I saw Jane running in the opposite direction having the assholes follow her, "That fucking idiot!" I said to myself as I started running after them.

Shitty hair was shouting at me asking where I was going but when he saw what I saw he said nothing else and ran with me to try help out. By the time we reached the place where they had run off to we saw Jane in a building that was falling to the ground, I tried to rush towards it but Shitty hair pulled me back knowing if I went any further I would have been crushed.

The building fell as me and shitty hair fell back onto the ground and all I heard was "KARMA'S A BITCH" from one of those assholes.

I stared at the ruins like a dumbass for a minute since I was in shock but I only had one thought in my head which I would never say out loud.

"Please dont be dead"

(AN~Hey guys 👋🏻 Sorry for the lack of uploads, Exams and me being lazy got in the way 😅 Anyway I hope this longer chapter made up for some of it 😂 Hope use enjoyed it!♡)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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