Usj 3♡

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She was holding her breath, making no noise, Her heart was beating to fast. She then heard Tajima and Satoru talking which made her anxiety go mad. "Where is that brat" Tajima said with a angry tone. "I swear she was just running this way, theres no good places to hide around here" Satoru replied. The rocks started to move all around her.

She then heard Tajima talk on top of the rocks "I swear when I catch her shes dead", She was still a bit anxious about being found but luckily Tajima was just climbing on top of the rocks, She was praying that the rocks held up so she could get out before she was crushed or found.

💥Bakugou's pov💥

Took a while but me and shitty hair finally got rid of all the weak ass villains that wanted to fight us. We had started running into diffrent areas to take out more villains since there all weak fuckers. We were about to run into a building but we heard rapid fire. I chuckled and ran that way, shitty hair following behind me.

I was about to jump over some dumb huge rocks in my way but shitty hair grabbed my costume back and I almost blasted his face off for it "What the fuck shitty hair!" I said with my hands smoking showing him I was ready to blow his face of for grabbing me. "Bakugou look!" Kirishima pointed at the rocks and I went over and looked down. There was a huge drop and if I had of kept going I would of fell down.

"Tch" I then looked down the drop and saw where the rapid fire had come from. There was some dumb gun villain and some huge man throwing rocks towards something. "Idiots" I said, getting ready to jump over the rocks and down the huge drop, useing my blasts to help me get down. "Bakugou wait, is that who I think it is?!" Kirishima said before Bakugou could jump. Bakugou rolled his eyes and looked down to see something horrible.

The villains weren't shooting at nothing, they where aiming for Jane. "Shit shit shit" Bakugou mumbled as he watched her run and just about hide under some rocks before the villains caught up to her. Bakugou knew if he jumped down now he would just get seen and shot at straight away, but he had to do something.

Third person pov

Jane was working on ways to get out since the villains wouldn't get of the rock. She peeked out the hole she got in from and saw something unexpected. 'KATSUKI??' She thought to herself and she then saw kirishima, 'Can they see me?' She went to move but then had a shooting pain run up her shoulder from being shot. She grunted and then the gun shots started back up, she didnt want to take the chance of him getting lucky shooting her throught the rocks.

So she closed her eyes tight and used her telekinesis to pick up a rock next to the boys and start writing to communicate, As much as she wanted to take these 2 down on her own she knew she needed help.

💥Bakugou's pov💥

'What the fuck are we gonna do' Katsuki thought to himself. "Woah bakubro look" kirishima pointed at a rock that had started to float and scrape a message into a bigger rock. They both watched it and soon got the message. It said 'Its Jane I need you guys to create a distraction so I can get out of here'.

All I could think to myself was 'This is gonna be fun' I grinned and chuckled ready to blast some people to hell. "Ready shitty hair" I said to him as I got ready to fight these dumb asses.

Third persons pov

Jane could hear Tajima coming back around breaking most rocks and walls near. 'Shit the moment he breaks these rocks I'm gonna have to use all my power to push him away' She thought about 'I hope the boys got my message' she peeked out of the rocks to see katsuki jumping on one of the biggest rocks before the drop. 'I swear to god if he does what I think hes gon-' she couldn't finish her thought before it came through.

"HEY SHIT HEADS, LETS FIGHT ILL BEAT YOU BOTH SO HARD YOULL BE BEGINNING FOR MERCY" Katsuki screamed before making explosions with his hands. Jane sighed knowing he was gonna do something like that but she knew it was gonna work and she had a plan to help them but before she could do that she needed to get over to the metal structure and collect some pieces.

Tajima and Satoru started running towards them. Satoru reloading his gun as he ran, Katsuki was waiting for them to get so close before he could finish his plan. He knew he had to keep them off Jane's back for a bit so he was gonna do just that. They started approaching the big wall of dirt that Katsuki was at the top off, Katsuki was waiting for the right moment before he screamed "NOW SHITTY HAIR"

Katsuki jumped back and blasted a few boulders off the edge and Kirishima knocked loads off useing his hardening quirk, They all rolled down the huge drop creating a stampede but with rocks. Katsuki and Kirishima watched as Tajima and Satoru, 2 full grown men stopped in there tracks and started running in the opposite direction shouting orders at each other while trying go dodge the rocks.

Jane had jumped out of her hiding spot and had ran off looking for metal to finish her plan, 'Thanks boys' she though as she stopped and laughed at the men running from the rocks and then continued on her way for metal.

"Let's do this!" She said as she ran.

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