Usj 2♡

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Rapid gun fire could he heard hitting the concrete wall she was hiding behind, She was trying to get herself to a better spot but having this bastard shooting at her she couldn't move without getting shot. The bullets paused for a moment she took this opportunity to use her quick to throw the wall at them while she got to a higher point for a better view.

As she threw the wall at them but the second guy used his quirk to melt the wall so it wouldn't hit them, she knew if she didnt get some place where she would have a slight advantage she would be killed. The gun dude had shot 2 rounds at her and she quickly relized he would pause for about 15 seconds to reload in between the rapid fire. She was trying to make up a plan in her mind but the only things around her that would block bullets was concrete and the second dudes quirk was to melt them so she was stuck for what to do.

She got to a higher place where she could spy on them for a minute or at least until they noticed her. She heard them talking so she listened in for any information that would help her. "I thought shigaraki said these kids would be easy to kill ughhhh fucker lied to us" The dude with the wall quirk said, "Have patience Tajima besides he said we could kill as many kids as we wanted to get all might to come and fight" The gun dude relpyed.

Quirk analysis

Tajima Tsukamoto
Quirk - His quirk is concrete destruction. If theres anything around him made of concrete he can destroy it in seconds by crushing it or melting it with his bear hands.

Satoru kishi
Quirk - His quirk is bullet manipulation. He carries many guns and thousands of bullets on him. His favourite gun is his machine gun he carries on his side, he shoots about 10 bullets every 2 seconds and he doenst even have to aim he can use his quirk to make sure they hit the target.

"Alright, now let's find this brat so we can take out more" Tajima said as he clenched his fists. Jane had put together that he could destroy walls but she wanted to test something out. Could he just destroy walls made of concrete or can he destroy any walls or objects. She looked around and saw some metal poking out of the ground and decided to throw it at them, It would risk her being found but she would get better informed on his quirk.

Still hiding she used her quirk to pull the metal from the ground and send it flying towards Tajima. Satoru quickly noticed it "TAJIMA WATCH OUT" He yelled knowing if he shot at it the bullets would ricochet of it and hit them. Tajima turned around and caught it but it had sliced his hand open, He stared at the blood coming from the huge cut in his hand. He quickly became pissed off and threw the metal and smashing it off the wall. "YOU THINK YOUR FUNNY PULLING SOMETHING LIKE THAT KID" He screamed "IM GONNA GET YOU FOR THAT" Satoru ran over and saw his hand was dripping and it was a deep cut. He quickly became angry himself wanting to kill Jane even more.

Jane had guessed right, he can't melt anything other than concrete or stone. Unfortunately in the area she was dropped there was no metal in sight, she only got lucky with that small piece sticking from the ground. She started thinking about something else to do when she remembered that when all the students where walking into the arena she spotted a metal structure in the far corner, As she tried to think how close that would be to here her flashback was cut short when she was shot by a bullet in the shoulder.

She put her hand to her mouth and clenched her teeth super tight trying to not make any noise. Turns out while she was thinking Satoru had started shooting random places hoping he would hit her and be able to find her when she screamed in pain. The rock she was hiding behind had a hole in it and somehow just caught her shoulder. She was in so much pain but he didnt hear her and began searching other places while Tajima was breaking walls all around her looking for her.

She knew if she didnt move she would be found. She used her telekinesis to put pressure on her gunshot wound while she tried to run to find somewhere better to hid while she delt with it but while she was running and ducking behind rocks she accidentally made a rock slide down and make a noise and Satoru noticed and started shooting signalling to Tajima that he had found her. A bullet grazed her leg causing a long cut to form, she wanted to stop and make it not bleed anymore but before she could get the thought in another bullet sliced her side, right under her ribs.

She started sprinting even though she was in so much pain and bleeding. Tajima had almost killed her a few times but she reflected his rocks that he threw at her and threw them at Satoru which put of his fire off and she found herself a better hiding place. It was like a little cave but it was just the perfect place and it gave her enough space to move. She knew Tajima wouldn't be long looking for her so she ripped off some of her costume ( she wears a black skin tight suit with red and purple on it ).

And tied it around her leg to cover to cut which helped but she still had her shoulder and side to deal with.

But before she could tend to them she heard loud footsteps going towards the rocks.

She froze

Held her breath

She heard them walk right in front her hiding spot

And the rocks started to move around her

(Love me a good cliffhanger, see you guys next chapter)

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