Getting closer or further?♡

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Jane was doing some homework at break, So she wouldn't have to do it come the time she went home. She found a nice little hill next to the school and sat under a tree and done some homework. She couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow since they would be visiting the USJ to practice her attack and defence skills, which had her ecstatic. She was eatting a sandwich and doing homework in between because she needed to get to sleep earlier tonight than normal since her drowsiness could affect how her telekinesis works.

She had earphones in and was focusing on her homework so she didnt notice when a familiar person walked up to her. He tried getting her attention by saying hi but he relized she had earphone so he pushed her shoulder a bit and it got her attention.
Taking out her earphones she looked up and smiled at him, "Hi Shinso" she said with a smile. "Hi Jane" he smiled back and pointed to the spot next to her "Is that seat taken" he said she shook her head and smiled at him as he sat down next to her. She took her earphones out and they just talked for a while.

They got so caught up in the conversation they didnt relize how little time they had to make it back to there classes. If you saw them from a far and saw how they looked at each other and how close they where you would think they were a couple. Shinso helped Jane with some hard maths homework and Jane talked about how cool his quirk was when he showed her how it worked, there conversation was nothing extremely exciting but they where enjoying each others company.

Jane checked her phone and she panicked since she had aizawa sensei next and she knew how strick he was. Shinso saw her panicked expression and started helping her pack her stuff away. They both speed walked back into the school grounds and said there goodbyes and went to class, but Jane had been walking around a bit before she relized she was lost. With it only being her second day she didnt know the school that well and panicked a bit. Speed walking around the school she tried to see anything familiar but as she turned a corner she went head first into something, or rather someone.

She backed up and looked up and locked eyes with a familiar red eyed boy, who had been sent out to look for her since she hadn't shown up on time. "Bakugou!" She said as her face turned a shade red. "Please show me where aizawa sensei's room is!" she said out of desperation. Katsuki still being a bit annoyed from the scene he saw earlier simply rolled his eyes and walked of but she followed him in hopes that he was going back to class. "What's the deal with you and droopy eyes" he said, "You mean Shinso?" She replied "Hes a really good friend what do you mean?". "The little show use put on earlier said otherwise" he started to get more annoyed, "We didnt put on a show we where just having a normal conversation" she laughed thinking about it and sped up a bit since katsuki was a fair bit in front of her, She was about to ask why he said it like that but before she could speak her wrist was grabbed and she was pulled into a locker with her body pressed up against him.

"What are you doing?!?" She said in a whisper but Katsuki didnt even look at her, he was to focused on what was outside the locker or rather who was outside it. Jane caught on and looked out also and she saw vlad king and another teacher walking past and she relized if they had been seen wondering around the school they would of been given detention and she then went quiet. Her face went red as she relized she was practically lieing on Katsuki but that wasnt the worst of it, Katsukis hands where on her hips since there was no space and her hands where on his chest but there faces where so close she could feel his breath. She tryed to turn her face to not look at him but that just made it worse since he was breathing in her ear and that made them both so red. Katsuki tried to move his hands off her hips but it failed since there was no where he could put them so he ended up moving his hands up and down her hips.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"I'm not touching you on purpose alright idiot" he whisperd she just gave a slight nod keeping her face to the side so he couldn't see her completely red face, "I just have no where to put my hands since your so big" he said but he didn't mean it to sound like he was calling her fat. Jane had curves it was one of the attractive things about her and he couldn't deny that but she took it the completely wrong way thinking he was calling her fat and all hell broke lose in the small ass locker.
She started hitting him on his chest while whispering curses like "Asshole". See Jane didnt get affended easily but when your crush says that and you take it the wrong way it hurts bad.

After a few minutes of that the locker door broke and the both fell out at the same time and luckily the teachers where gone but luck wasn't completely on there side since the way they fell out of the locker was on top of each other. Katsuki was on top with his hands to the side of Jane's head, where as Jane had her hands on his chest pushing him off quickly and getting up fast to walk away. Katuki had seen the tears in the corners of her eyes and felt bad about what he had said so he quickly picked himself up and went after her. She wanted to start a fight with Katsuki but didnt have it in her since she was just drained from the hard day that wasnt even over, she walked off in hopes of finding her own way to class because "fuck that asshole" she said to herself.

Katsuki quickly ran in frount of her and told her to wait but she simply used up the last of her patience and energy and picked him up with her telekinesis and shoved him to the side and mumbled fuck off at him. She eventually found her way to the classroom and katsuki made it back a few seconds after her and they both just continued with there last classes of the day.

Katsuki knew he had to apologise but didnt get the chance that day since she quickly walked home after school.

Oh how he fucked up.

(Authors note: Yeah so I wrote this whole chapter out and it deleted itself and I raged for about an hour so I hope this version is good ♡)

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