Usj 1♡

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After what seemed like forever the bus pulled up at the Usj, Some students quickly ran to the windows to see how big the arena is. Many 'Wow' and 'Cool' could be heard from students all over the bus, From all the sudden movement Jane woke up, to Katsuki's annoyance.

Some students questioned 'who the big astronaut person is?', Aizawa growns already to tired to deal with this. "All right where here everyone listen to me so use dont end up dead" he says as he walks off the bus, the rest of the class following him. "ll be Erasure heads second teacher for today to help some of you" Thirteen says nicely. Katsuki looks over at Jane quickly trying to think would he get the time to apologise now or would he have to wait later.

Jane notices his stare but if ignores it and follows Thirteen and Aizawa into the Arena. All the students where shocked at how big it was and how many different areas it had. They slowly try to walk down the stares only getting a few steps down before Thirteen thinks to herself 'Did I accidentally leave a black hole open down there?' But the black hole soon gets bigger and everyones notices.

Aizawa is quick to react telling everyone to move back, He grabs his scarf tightly when he notices Shigaraki emerge from it and knows his whole class is in trouble, he can only think to himself 'shit shit shit' as he knows this wont end well. Some students dont take his seriousness seriously and joke about the villan being a surprise teacher but Thirteen is quick to shut there jokes down telling them about what's going on. The class are mostly shocked but it doenst last long when more villains pile out of the portal.

"Move back! Open the doors and Run as far away as you all can!" Aizawa shouted , Listening to him all the students ran towards the doors only to be stopped by a huge mist with yellow eyes that spread in there path not letting them past. "Leaving so soon?" Shigaraki said while he clawed at his neck, "You cant leave yet... All might still hasn't shown up even thought he was supposed to be here" he said that last part with anger in his voice "I'm sure he will show up soon enough if his students where in trouble though" he raised his hands and gestured to the thousands of villain's coming from the portal.

2 students where so pissed of they tried charging at the mist in hopes of getting it to move but it started to spread towards them, Thriteen ran and pulled them back and tried using her quirk but a nomu soon jumped from the portal hitting her and sending her back whacking into Aizawa who went flying down the stairs. Aizawa was doing his best to keep the villains who were coming up the stairs from getting to them but when something smashed into his back and he went flying off the stairs he took out loads of villains on the way down, Thinking that Thirteen had the mist under control he said to himself that he would take out a few villans at the bottom and head back up to make sure eveyone got out okay.

Before the students could try attack the mist it spread rapidly covering them all and sending them all around the arena. Most were separated in pairs but a few where not and just sent randomly to places alone. Jane was one of these people, Its most likely they didnt know where to send her because she was a new student in UA and not that much information was known about her, Asides from what she had already told her classmates.

When the mist cleard from around her and she fell from it, She was quick to use her quirk to make her landing soft so she could just float down but on her way down she did scrape of the walls 2 times ripping her suit up a bit. She got very lucky she activated her quirk when she did cause when she was on the ground looking around she noticed that the height she fell from could have broke her leg if she landed wrong. "What the??" she mumbled as she rubbed her side, She had fallen in between to buildings so she had a view of most of the terrain around her and could already see her classmates fighting people.

As she was trying to figure out what to do she heard a gun fire from behind her she was quick to jump out of the way, "What the fuck!" She mumbled angrily as she peeked around the building wall to see who had shot at her. She saw 2 villains both men and both having dangerous quirks, One had loads of diffrent types of guns on him, She quickly guessed his quirk was something like metal manipulation. The second one having big hands that clenched into fists but he was also able to pick up walls and stuff, She could only guess his quick was something that manipulates stone.

Before she saw these two she was gonna go help aizawa and try help some of her classmates but she now knew she wasn't gonna be able to lose these two so easily and set on making a plan to trap them.

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