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NERVOUSNESS was what he felt as he sat in the room with white walls that has no frame or decorations on them instead of some posters of donating organs and blood.

"Please wait til the results arrive" the doctor smiles politely and sits on his swivel chair in front of Taehyung who sat on the other side of the table besides Jungkook.

"How do you feel right now?" The doctor questions.

"Uncomfortable and distracted" Tae answers honestly, his mind in running in all different directions, his stomach won't stop aching and he is frustrated. Jungkook takes his hand into his and intertwines their fingers. It was a sweet gesture to assure that everything will be fine.

"Let's wait for the report to address this" the doctor nods and just after 3 minutes the assistant brings the reports of blood test and urine test which were inside two different envelopes.

The doctor examines the report for good five minutes, his face serious and concentrated.

"Mr Jeon i would like to have a private conversation with Mr kim first before letting anyone else know" he speaks as he adjusts his glasses.

"Okay" he reluctantly agrees even though he didn't want to leave Taehyung's side.

After jungkook was out of door, the doctor grabbed Taehyung's focus.

"Mr Kim you are pregnant and i wanted to tell you about this privately, in both tests it has been found that you are 2 weeks pregnant" the doctor informs and just with that sentence the Earth beneath Taehyung's feet slips, no what is happening? His gasping mouth spoke for his shocked state.

"W-what, how is it possible? We used protection every time. No no no this can't be true oh my God" Tae's eyes were stinging as he forced to not let his tears fall.

"Mr Kim don't panic, i need you to calm down so I can help you" the doctor tries to console the panicked male.

"How will i tell this to my partner? I'm scared? I don't know what to do? This is just so unexpected? Tell me I'm just dreaming, pinch me, slap me, wake me up. Just do something" Tae tears were dropping non stop, his voice was cracking and he couldn't speak loud enough. He's just sixteen and how is he gonna handle this mess.

"Mr Kim, it's going to be okay. I promise you that all you need right now is a little rest. If you want i can inform your partner, i believe he'll understand. He seems like a good person" the doctor tries his best to cheer the brunette.

"No it's okay, i need some time before i tell him about this. I don't think i am able to process anything right now. This all seems like a bad dream" Tae whispers ,his voice drained and weak. He wipes his tears and takes three deep breaths.

"Mr Kim it's okay, it's normal to feel this way. All i am gonna suggest right now is to take care of yourself. These are some medications that will fulfill the needs of your body during the whole process. You can buy these from hospital pharmacy on the ground floor, also this is my info card, you can call me or my assistant anytime you feel complications or face any type of problem"the doctor says and even tho those words should've cheered him up but instead those just made him believe more and more that this is real, he is really pregnant.

"I will doctor, thank you so much for your help" Taehyung bows his head in respect to the kind and generous doctor.

"It's my duty Mr Kim, you don't need to thank me but I do hope you inform your partner about this, he is the father of your baby and has every right to know about it" the doctor says with a small smile on his face.

"I will, i am scared but i know I'll have to tell him eventually, don't worry Dr Kim i will inform him, I just need a little more time to process this" Taehyung sighs but nonetheless he knows he can't reverse the time and change everything.

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