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Requested by lainz_mono

I apologise in advance for taking lines out of a couple of episodes here and there, but they're just really damn good and I normally swear by never copying from the original script (because it can kill a fanfiction by making it boring, and I see it as unoriginal and pretty lazy writing) but I thought they fit quite well for Chandler and the reader. Forgive me for being such a hypocrite.

'Sometimes the person you'd take a bullet for is standing behind the trigger'


"Is that all, sir?" I say politely, putting the video in a paper bag and handing it to him. "That'll be $12.95." As the guy hands me a wad of cash, I can't help sighing. What has my life come to? Working in an x-rated video store in Manhattan definitely isn't my calling in life.

I used to have a good job in Brooklyn, in an office. I won't sugarcoat it: it was shit. But it was good money, so I hung on for a while until I couldn't take the computer screens and fluorescent lights any longer. I quit and moved to the West Village, purely because it's the only place I could find a job. I haven't even got an apartment yet, so I'm going to stay at a hotel until then.

My shift is finally over. I grab my bag and head out of the door, only to realise it's raining. Correction, it's absolutely hammering it down. I don't have a coat... I'm just going to have to leg it. There aren't many people on the streets at this time because of the rain, so I manage to make it into a coffee house relatively unscathed, however my hair is an absolute mess. I decide to get some coffee and hang out in here until the rain stops.

A blonde woman around my age comes and sits down across from me. "Hey, you look like you could do with some company right now," she says kindly. "I'm Phoebe." She holds out her hand, and I shake it nervously.

"I'm [Y/N]."

"Have you got a place to stay right now? My friends have a spare room, if you want it."

(A/N: Joey and Chandler's apartment has a third room in this story)

"That's great... but how did you know I don't have a place?"

"Drenched and shivering in a coffee house at 10pm doesn't exactly say 'I've got a great place to crash at'. Oh, and the fact you've brought a suitcase with you, I just figured you're between things right now."

I smile, happy to have made a new friend. "Can I meet your friends?"

"Sure, they're over here," I follow her to the back of the coffee place, where five people are sitting and chatting. "Everyone, this is [Y/N]. [Y/N], this is Rachel, Monica, Joey, Ross and Chandler." They all say "Hi" in unison, and I chuckle nervously.

"So who are the guys with the spare room?"

"That'd be Joey and me," says Chandler. "Have we finally got someone to fill that empty room?"

"Yeah, isn't that so exciting? We've got a new friend!" says Phoebe excitedly. I smile weakly, picking up my suitcase.

"So, can you show me to your place?"

"Sure, we were all going to hang out at my place anyway. We live across the hall from Chandler and Joey." says Monica.


The past few months have been great. I love living with Joey and Chandler, and I feel so lucky to be in such a nice group of friends. There's only one problem: I think I've started to develop feelings for Chandler. It's nothing, anyway. It'll probably go away in a few weeks, and he can go back to being my friend who tells annoying jokes. Except they're not annoying... they're really funny, and I've found that I'm the only one who ever laughs at them, but I find it really cute that he's always trying to make us laugh.

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