●Road Trip

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Requested by lainz_mono

Sorry it took a few weeks, I've been procrastinating which is stupid because I've got literally nothing to do at the moment.

I chose to set this oneshot at the Hoover dam because I was chatting with the head of geography (legend) at school a few weeks ago and he said once he went there on a road trip (we're British) and they went there at night and all the lights were on and it looked like something out of James Bond, so I thought that was pretty cool. Then I googled it and it really does. So I thought I'd use that as part of my inspiration for this story. I'll include a picture:

This is the only accurate one I could find and it has a watermark 😭😭😭

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This is the only accurate one I could find and it has a watermark 😭😭😭

Anyways without much further ado, on with the oneshot. Hope you guys like it :)

"Here you go, guys." says Rachel, bringing a tray of drinks to us, and handing them out to the wrong people. After making sure she's gone, we swap our drinks around so we all have the right ones. Damn, that's starting to get annoying.

"Guess what," I yawn, "my work gave me two weeks of paid leave."

"What?" says Ross, concern creeping onto my brother's face. "Why?"

"Being an on-call nurse has its cons," I say, suppressing another yawn. "One of which is my sleeping pattern is screwed. My boss said I can have a couple of weeks off to catch up. Any other boss would have told me to just get on with it, I'm not sure why he's being so nice."

"Maybe he likes you." says Chandler quickly, his expression turning sour.

"Well, I don't like him. And why do you care so much about that?" I frown.

He suddenly goes quiet. Chandler has been acting weird around me lately. He's been really nice to me, but becomes really rude whenever I'm talking to or about another guy. And one time, when I came home from a late shift, he was sitting in the kitchen in our shared apartment with his head on the counter. I asked him if he was okay, but he just got up and went into his room without a word.

Oh crap.

Does he-?

No. He doesn't. I'm being stupid. He's my best friend, and besides, I don't see him that way at all.

"Anyway," I continue, "I was thinking we could all take a trip, maybe to the Hoover Dam? I've never been there before!" I only moved here from England a couple of years ago, and I've never seen all the American landmarks my friends have seen.

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