8 Become.

11 2 0

•~• notice, have a good day •~•

[Roman P.O.V.]

I'm still in the Mind Palace. This place is sick. Anxiety can do basscially anything here when everyone else can barely summon a pear!

I learned about what everyone's power choosy thing was. Logan was a nerd basscially, Anxiety was a all powerful sorcerer and Heath was... I don't really know. Sweaty? When I asked Logan nearly cut his hand off while he was making some dinner. We were very distracted, and I didn't try and pry to much. Like HEY Remy chose to be able to not have to sleep and drink as much, and summon coffee as much he likes! He could be just an embarrassed bean.

We all sat around the dining table while Logan finished cooking. There was a large opening between the kitchen and the dining area so he could still talk to us normally and pass food through. Looked like I could just climb through if I wanted to. I stopped listening when the others started talking about something getting distracted by the wall paper, when I entered is was a bright blue with barely clouds on it. But now it was more indigo with more clouds.

"My good chaps, what is up with the walls?" I said trying to be comedic. Anxiety looked over and saw me staring at the wall profusely. I could barely see him in the corner of my eye.

"Oh yeah, since we can't have windows I made it so the walls were time/weather detecting. In the kitchens is an actual clock with the hands and what not. Logan insisted on an analog clock because it was 'helpful to read time that way." He ended mocking Logan who just gave him an eye roll.

"Excuse me but it is illogical to just have the numbers, it helps with your mathematics which I know for a fact your failing in, V-Anxiety." No one said anything for a couple seconds before Logan just said quietly, "sorry."

Why was Logan sorry? Was it that he stuttered his name? Said about how Anxiety was failing classes? Its not that bad its only the middle of the year.

"Its okay just please, be more careful." Virgil squeaked. I feel really out of place. What happened?

"Dinners served!" Heath said interrupting the silence. I didn't realise that he was in the kitchen, I was still looking at the walls now noticing how the could moved so slowly.

We finished eating and it was nearly 8? Thankfully, I said to mother I wasn't going to be home for dinner tonight. She didn't really care its the Sunday dinner we are expected to be there. The Holy Day of the week and all.

"I better go, school tomorrow and we all need our sleep." I said starting to stand.

"Oh yeah forgot that was a thing. And school that too." Virgil responded. "Sleep is for the week."

"Sleep is also for the smart! Hope you had a good time Roman and it was great meeting you." Logan stood with Roman and lead him to the door with everyone else.

"See ya!" Everyone said as the door shut.

Roman returned home to his room and briskly wanted to try to sleep. Try. He entered his and his twins room to see Remus and Remy talking on Remus bed. They were being extremely quiet which was new. Roman hopped in bed their talking fading away.

[Logan P.O.V. after Roman left]

"Logan. Please try to not slip up with my name its important!" Virgil was pacing and shaking. Unlike Heath who was sitting up casually on the couch in the Foyer/ Dining area.

"I know I'm sorry! Anyway, I'm able to go in the guest room, I know Patton is using it but he'll be okay with it right? I don't want to go home all scratched up. Father would murder me." Logan never 'needed' to stay here before. Its a new feeling to him that he thinks is called desperation.

"Logan.. You know when Pat is in there that we can't go in there-" Virgil was cut off by Heath.

"You can stay in my room if you want, or the library on the couch if you want to obviously. But either way I'm staying in my room." Heath said bluntly. He didn't look away from the phone Logan had just noticed he was using. He was texting someone.

"I thanks for the idea! The library is warm and already has my books inside it." Logan stated simply before grabbing spare bedding from a large linen closet and heading to the room.

The couch was sort of comfortable, I had to curl my knees into my chest a bit to fit. No biggy.

I woke up, vision foggy and blurry.
"What happened oh yeah glasses." I talked to myself. I forget that these are on my face most of the time so its weird to awake with them gone.

I got out of bed and went to the closest bathroom. The T.V. wasn't on yet and the walls were just starting to depict morning. I tidy myself up a bit and change/summon some clothes yo me from the guest room. I can't do much here but I learned if I know exactly where it is I van move it near me.

I walked out to see Patton already dressed and making some pancakes for the four of us. He must have been the person to take my glasses off and give me a pillow. He knows the importance of removing glasses before sleeping.

•~•Logan heavy chapter hope is liked, won't happen often •~•

Words 950
Original publish date 1/03/20

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