Part Eleven~

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Abir had been more than excited to show Mishti around, in truth he’d been thrilled. He’d longed to show her more of his world as well as show her off to his world and actually gift her something meaningful, he got the impression she’d never been given a lot and he wanted nothing more than to be the person to change that. Buttoning up his coat, he blinked fast to ensure he wasn’t dreaming as she made her way down the stairs dressed in a knitted cream jumper and denim blue jeans “Wow, you’re beautiful” and he meant it with every fibre of his being, she looked so homely and so undeniably his that it took his breath away.

His comment caused a pink blush to bloom across her cheekbones, dropping her head so her hair cascaded around her face, she smiled shyly “Thank you”.

Using his knuckle to tip her chin up, he stood “Don’t look away from me, please?” He wasn’t sure what exactly she did to him that made him a grovelling beggar at her feet, but he didn’t mind, she was worth that and so much more.

“Sorry” she kept his gaze.

“You have nothing to be sorry for and I’ll keep reminding you of that until you know” he vowed. “Shall we go?”

Oatie whined at her feet sadly as he watched them head to the door.

“Is he not coming?” Mishti had only loved one person in her life before and that was her grandfather, ever since meeting this dog the amount had doubled, now her love for him knew no bounds and she hated to see him looking so sad, that and the fact she felt uncomfortable being alone with her husband after her revelation she was sure would end up making him spur from his kindness and become the type of man she was used to. Every now and then his actions would speak volumes till it screeched in her ears that she was wrong and he was different from what she knew, but then the memories of him shoving her away and walking out alongside the familiarity of him calling her a silly girl rung at a higher pitch in her head to remind her that she wasn’t mistaken about his reality.

“Unfortunately, Oatie gets seasick, so no” he stroked behind his ears as he spoke, “But we’ll bring him back something” draping a shawl over her shoulders, he smiled.

“You want me to cover up?” As expected the possessiveness that endangered her many times before had come back within him.

“From the cold, not people’s eyes, now” he crossed his arms, a frown on his lips, “Why would I want to hide someone so beautiful from people? Surely that would be a crime?”

“Really?” She perked up, holding the material a little closer so she could inhale his comforting scent of spices and oak.

“Really, now” he swung the door open, “Allow me to show you my safe haven”. Stepping onto the boat, he nodded his head at Hans and held his hand out so she could join him, a rough chuck;e warming his chest when she toppled into him “Clumsy” he swiped her cheek with a gloved finger, eyes shining with mirth, once upon a time he felt it impossible to feel this happy, but then she came along.

Wrapping her arm around his waist, she didn’t bother to fight his hold as he held her to him, instead she snuggled her face into the soft fabric of his coat and held onto him like her life depended on it, at a time like this it did, he was her life jacket and without him, she would drown in the sorrows of what she had done and what had been done to her. Drifting her eyes over the opaque waves that lapped lovingly against the boat, she sighed, far too taken in by the beauty that she didn’t realise they’d arrived near the next port of dry land.

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