Smoke, Sweat, and Burns

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Connor chuckles at the friendly wink, deciding to stay and watch the other's fight before leaving. His curiosity getting the better of him as he stood with the others and watched a screen play what was happening in the ring.

"Tonight we'll be having our fighter Strike go up against Godzilla!" The commentator boomed as the doors opened to the blinding light of the arena. Strike could see his opponent from a mile away. Looking up at the large dragon like robot as it bared it's teeth down at him. "Will our favorite lil green sprout be able to take on this beast! Or will he be steamed like broccoli??"

Ezra examined the towering robot before him. "As if I didn't feel small enough." Compared to many other fighters, his 5'5" frame made him look fairly short, but now wasn't time to compare sizes. His eyes darted around as he studied his foe, searching for the most fragile yet major parts of the giant. Judging from what the commentator had said, the mechanical beast could most likely breathe fire like a dragon, but that wouldn't be much of a problem. Wouldn't be the first time he was faced with flames, considering the fact he's lived in the land of bushfires.

"Alright, then." He gently bounced on the balls of his feet, waiting for the gong. "Let's see what you can do."

Soon the lights dimmed and the bell gonged, signaling the beginning of the fight.

The large beast wasted no time in using its tail to knock Strike into a wall, using physical attacks to roughen the small human up before going in with its trump move. The crowds stomped and howled at each swipe, hoping for the green male to be thrown about like a rag doll.

Ezra let the giant slam him into the wall, but was quick to make sure his legs took on the impact when he crashed, which left a deep crack in the wall. He bounced off, rolling to his feet before propelling himself up- high up- in the air, almost reaching the hole of the arena. If there was one thing that people in the underground knew about Ezra, it was his powerful legs that could knock a head clean off somebody's neck in one graceful kick.

As he was in the air, he continued to study Godzilla before finally deciding to get rid of the tail first.

Godzilla lets out a deafening roar, sending vibrations along the arena to disorientate Strike before using its clawed hands to swipe at the other each time he jumped into the air, and every time he landed. The robot would use its tail to knock the human into another wall, aiming mostly at his torso upon learning his legs were reinforced with gear.

The dragon like beast would then go on to spit small balls of fire, creating less area for Strike to land without touching the burning blue flames.

"Whoa- okay this is different-" His chest was feeling sore from all the hitting but there was no time to stay still in the middle of this. He shot up again against the pain, spinning in the air to avoid being scratched by a claw, or worse, grabbed. He could feel the heat of the fire rushing against his skin as smoke began to rise and suffocate the atmosphere.

When another claw missed him, he grabbed onto the arm and pulled himself onto Godzilla's hand, changing plans and quickly thrusting a leg down onto the wrist. If this wouldn't break the monster's hand off then it would at least put it out of use.

Godzilla shrills upon having one of its wrists being cracked, enraged, it uses its other hand to try and grab the small human.

It's mouth now constantly glowing blue as it spewed lines of blue heat across the arena, tail smashing against the ground so it was impossible to get a steady footing without stumbling from the vibrations from the impact.

With one hand out of commission, it blindly swipes its other hand through the air, hoping to hit or snag Strike in the air in case he ever tried to go for something more vital than its wrist.

Ezra quietly whispered out a curse as he constantly wavered on Godzilla's arm as the large robot would shake around all the time.

"Bloody hell, what, you got pain receptors or something?" he whispered harshly as the beast screamed, sprinting up the arm as he pushed himself to outrun the swiping claw, often stumbling as the giant moved and stomped about.

He wanted to jump to the other arm once he reached the shoulder, but the blue fire blocked his way. No use dropping down unless he wanted to be burnt by the scorching blue flames that burnt the floor, so he swung himself around Godzilla's neck onto the other shoulder, smashing his leg down to put the swiping arm out of commission.

Letting out another screech, it began to throw its head around, trying to knock the other off. Throwing its head up and down, letting the fire lick it's skin, hoping to burn Strike.

The crowd was at the edge of their seat, their screams deafening as they cheered on.

Connor analyzes Strike, taking note of his strengths and weaknesses in case they were ever to have a fight against each other. Noting his legs and how familiar they were...

"Mate, you're really fucking loud," Ezra hissed, cursing at the heat of the fire as it became harder to breathe, the flames snatching away and feasting on oxygen in the air.

He jumped up again, landing on Godzilla's head and trying to keep steady as it constantly thrashed around, it's mouth wide open as it roared.

"Let's shut you up."

He swung his leg up, swiftly swinging it over and smashing it into the back of Godzilla's neck with all his force.

The neck was thicker than the other limbs, but an audible crack can still be heard as the body froze for a split second before thrashing violently. It's body parts spazzing and glitching about as it stumbled around the arena, head spinning while the tail slammed against the ground.

Ezra had no idea if he caused a malfunction or angered the giant further, but he wasn't willing to find out.

He quickly jumped up and grabbed a hold of the glass barrier that acted like a roof with a ginormous hexagonal hole in the middle, pulling himself up and catching his breath before quickly leaping up higher. If he really wanted to, he could shoot up and touch the ceiling of the entire damn place, but now wasn't the time to play around.

He looked down at Godzilla thrashing and spazzing about as he began to fall. He extended his legs out straight and firm, his fall accelerating as the air he pierced rushed past, blowing his hood off. He was almost nothing but a blur of green as he fell until his feet met the giant metallic beast.

A thunderous CRACK filled the pit as the head of the beast was split into two. It lets out one last roar and spark of flames as it fell to the ground, it's body slowly coming to a stop.

The crowd cheered as Strike stood victories while the sprinklers went off to put out the roaring flames. Smoke hissing as steam filled the already suffocating and sweaty atmosphere.

"Looks like the winner of tonight's round goes to our lil grasshopper, Strike!

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