I'm In...

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The second fight Connor had was a little messier. The crowd screamed in cheer at his return and he wasn't going to lie, it felt good. Nobody before had ever shown so much enthusiasm for his mere presence, it was addictive. He wanted to please them, wanted them to enjoy the show. So Connor eyed up his opponent, it seemed like a regular domestic android for most parts. Except where it had been heavily modded by its owner, chassis reinforced and a studded leather sleeveless top to protect its generator.

Despite himself, Connor smiled at the challenge, let the crowd's screaming, the beat of the music and the thumping of his heart meld into an almost calm. He eyed his opponent and as soon as the klaxon blared he was off. As suspected, the android was quick but the thickened chassis limited its range of grappling. Weighed down by its protection Connor could just about dart around the attacks which were swift and lethal. One caught him in the shoulder and he let out a pained grunt, that was going to bruise. However, in the moment the pain only spurred him on, made him bare his teeth and go on a ferocious offensive.

It was the broadened shoulder chassis that was the android's downfall in the end. For a moment it had Connor in a chokehold, blood thundered in his ears and he seriously thought he was in trouble. But Connor managed to lodge a shoulder in the android's side, took a step forward and into its body. Now off balance, it was easy enough to twist his body, back towards the android and push. They tumbled into the dust, clogged already with blood. Connor was first on his feet and he wasted no time in stamping down on the android's face. He felt it crunch, the optical sensors sparked as he lifted his foot off. Now blinded, the android was almost too easy to defeat. A step to the side from where it flailed in the direction of the noise, twist its arm behind its back and feel the chassis creak then give way. It was a classic police hold, one that Connor had executed dozens of times but never with such brutality. His foot stomped on the back of the android's knee and it thudded down, at his mercy.

The fight was gone from it, it sagged into the hold and Connor wrapped an arm around its neck.

"Do you submit?" he growled.

The crowd bayed, demanded he make the kill. Under his hold, the android trembled and it tried to nod despite the hold. With flourish, Connor stepped back and released the android which crashed forward, its one good arm barely supporting it. He spun in the ring, played to the crowd's cheers before walking back through into the holding area. Barstow was there waiting for him.

"Follow me," he said and turned to walk out.

Obediently, Connor tailed after him as people either nodded in acknowledgment of his victory or avoided eye contact at all costs. Barstow didn't even glance back to see if he followed until he was sat behind his desk in the office.

"You're making quite the name for yourself." It was a statement, one that Connor tried to nod along to without too much cocky attitude. "I have a proposition for you."

"I'm willing to hear you out," Connor replied.

This was it though, his ticket into the organization. Finally a break in the case and much sooner than expected.

"You do one fight night a week, the crowds seem to like you for whatever reason. They want more. So, you fight for me. You take 10% of betting profit and, if you make it to the status of my Champion, you'll be given more rewards. The bigger your following, the better you earn. Deal?"

"15% and I'm in," it was a risky reply and Connor knew it. But he wasn't going to roll over and accept scraps like some stray. Opposite him, Barstow brayed out a laugh.

"You spunky little shit. I'll cut you 12%. But you'd better deliver."

Connor grinned and they shook hands. He was in.

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