Chapter 14 Some things are better left unsaid

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      In the previous chapter, Marinette grabs his hand, and they walk off together.

       Now for the current chapter, Marinette walks with Adrien to a tree. She sees the tire swing is still there and grins. She lets go of his hand, sits in it and begins to swing. She does not say a word.

       Adrien watches her swing and grins.  He thinks she looks so lovely as the sun shines across her hair.  It seems like it glistens in the sunlight and he wonders what it would be like to run his hands through it. He stuffs his hands in his pockets. He must not show any affection towards her.
       He knows she does not want to be his girlfriend. He knows it as much as he knows he loves her. He can not help but wonder if they had met in some other lifetime, or in some other way if she might love him.  
         Marinette does not notice the struggle Adrien has as she enjoys her time on the tire swing. She wonders if he would like a go at it. She climbs off unaware that he was unsure what to make of today. She turns to him and says,  "Well, go ahead. It is your turn, Adrien."  
        Adrien nods his head, removes his hands from his pockets, and sits in the tire.  He swings in silence and does not look her way.  He finds it harder than he could imagine. He wishes he knew what Master Fu meant. He can not see it.  He just recalls the day she broke his heart all over again when she told him, "I am sorry, Adrien, but I can never love you."  The words still sting.  

      He lets his feet hit the dirt below him and makes marks upon it. He does not care if it makes his shoes a mess. He pays no attention as Marinette snaps a photo with her camera. He does not see her look at the camera and sigh. He closes his eyes for a moment as if somehow that will erase all the sorrow of his soul.  He lets the tears fall freely.

    Marinette looks on and wonders what goes on in that mind of his. She does not dare disturb him though. She feels as if she intrudes.  Funny how she feels this way when she was the one to mess things up so badly. She can not fix it.  She knows it is impossible to mend up things.  She believes he will try his best to keep his distance.  She also knows, in the long run, it is her fault.

      She thinks if we had met in some other lifetime, or in some other way would she have felt more than friendship toward the young man. She has no idea. She can see the way the sun hits the tree that Adrien's hair glows in the sunlight.  This is to say it seems brighter as if it holds some secret within.  
     She wishes she could help him to feel less guilty about the whole Luka thing.  Yet, she knows that is impossible. It is not like she can go back and time.  It is not like she desires to either.  It is not like she can erase the pain from her almost death.  She can not bring herself to get close to him. She knows Adrien has shown her nothing, but kindness. She knows he saved her life. She knows he desires for more than friendship. She knows she can not give it to him.

      Marinette regrets the day she told him she could not love him. She believes it was true then and is now. Yet, she still believes it would have better not to have said them at all. She thinks maybe that is why Adrien never told her about his mother.  She sits down a few feet away from him and decides that some things are better left unsaid.

     Marinette's  POV:
     She thinks back to Master Fu and how he helped her.

   She recalls how he told Adrien to be patient with her.

  She wishes he could just move on because she knows he will never find anything, but pain with her.

     Adrien's POV:
    He opens his eyes and sees Marinette look at him.
     He can see she has sympathy for him.

    He can also see she does not wish to trouble him with her past.

      Adrien gets off the swing and says,  "Marinette, I will leave you to your thoughts."  He waves to her and walks away. He figures that it is the best right.  He goes home and sits in a chair.  He sighs unsure what to make about how things turned out.

     Master Fu comes by to see him and smiles.  He is glad to see Adrien got back safe and sound.

       "Adrien, did she ever find you?"  Master Fu asks.

    "If by she, you mean Marinette then yes she did. She put flowers on my mother's grave. Then, took me to this small area and we took turns in the tire swing.  After this, I came back because it is obvious she is okay with being friends,"  Adrien replies.

     "I see and you, how do you feel about all this, Adrien?"  Master Fu asks.

     "I love her, but I can not see how she will ever love me,"  Adrien answers.

      "Who is to say she does not already?"  Master Fu asks him.

      "She does not trust me, I know," Adrien says.

     "She will come around,"  Master Fu says.

    "Stop already, she is happy to be friends, but she will never love me,"  Adrien blurts out.

     "I  intend to refrain from affectionate gestures towards her so as not to offend her,"  He says.

          Master Fu shakes his head and thinks, the lad's love for her is stronger daily.  He wonders, why Marinette insists she has no love left for Adrien.  It is not his fault her ex-boyfriend went off the deep end.  He knows he is never wrong.  He is sure the girl in time will learn to love Adrien.

       Find out more in Chapter  15...

-Summer out!


A  Miraculous Romance Story by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now