chapter 1. december 21st

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"You ready to go?" Mum asks.

"Sure." I reply

"Well hurry or you'll miss your flight."

"Okay Mum." pause. "I'll see you next year, don't miss me too much and I love you. I'll call you when I land. Bye." I hug her and start walking away.

"Okay. Bye. Love you too!" she replies, yelling a little at the end because I'm walking away, with my back to her. I feel bad, I'm going to miss her so much....


Wow. I'm in Los Angeles. It's so beautiful. And cold. Mum warned me about that. I should call her now.

She picks up on the first ring. "Hi Darling, how was your flight?"

"Good, I slept for most of it. It's cold here, how is it in Australia?"

"Hot, too hot. Well, I'll talk to you later, have a good day."

"Bye mum." I hang up, put my phone in my pocket and start walking towards 'Arrivals'.

"Excuse me, are you looking for someone?" a voice asks behind me, it sounds familiar.

"No, why?" I turn, "Oh!" It's Kian, funny that.

"Hey Lyss, I missed you ..... and so did everyone else." he hugs me and I notice how he pauses after saying he misses me, maybe I have a chance.

"I missed you too and the others, but I'll tell them when I see them. What are you doing here, I thought Connor was picking me up?"

"No, I'm picking you up now. Your mum texted." Jesus mum, really? Now I'm embarrassed, I can't believe she would do that to me, she knows I like him .... groan.

"Ha, what did she say?" I'm kind of worried, did she tell you that I like you more than a friend should?

"Just that she thought it best that I greeted you rather than Connor, even though the two of you are closer. I was confused, by the way, I personally would have asked Connor to greet you, if I were your mum." yeah, but my mum knows that I have a crush on your sexy arse, not Connor's, but you don't need to know that.

"Yeah, I don't know what was going through her head. Come on, let's go."

"Good idea. Connor has a surprise for you, he hopes you like it."

"Your making me worried. Stop."

To L.A. For Christmas (Kian Lawley Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now