chapter 4. december 23rd

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"All done. Congratulations on completing an epic collaboration." Connor says, packing up the camera, tripod, lights, etcetera.

"Thanks Connor." I say, he really helped me out and made sure there were no awkward silences during breaks.

"Yeah, thanks Connor, what a great director you are, you should think about it for a career." Kian really does like to joke around. I like it.

"Haha, no worries guys. Now to editing. I'll leave you to it."

"Thanks again. Have fun." I say and Connor waves on his way through Kian's house.

"Come on, we better get this done so the videos can be uploaded tomorrow. We don't want to be uploading on Christmas."

"It can be a Christmas Eve special."

We grab the film equipment and head to Kian's room to edit. There's an awkward silence.

"Umm, Lyss?"


"Umm ...... Don't worry."

"Okay, I'm worried."

"No, please don't. There's really no need to."

"What, worry you mean?"


"Right....." I wait, not wanting to annoy him, then say, "That's it, spit it out or I'll start a war."

He chuckles, "Okay.... I like you." he blurts out.

"What do you mean?" here's hoping.

"I mean, I fancy you." is he pulling my finger here or what?



"Haha, that's funny..."

"Why is it funny, I just confessed my feelings for you, which, I must admit, I don't do very often, and you say it's funny?" great, now I've really annoyed him.



"Because, I fancy you too."

"So what does that mean for us?"

"Later. Lets do some editing first."

To L.A. For Christmas (Kian Lawley Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now