chapter 10. december 31st; new years eve

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We worked it out, Kian and I. And I haven't replied to Toby's text, I don't plan to. But I called him, on Kian's request. I ended our relationship, Toby didn't seem too annoyed but that doesn't mean he didn't throw his phone or decide to get drunk. Is it wrong to be worried about your ex boyfriend when you really never loved him, when you've strung him along just for the fun of it and find someone else while your still meant to be with him? It is, but still I worry about Toby and what he must be doing. God, I even wish I could see him, just to hear his steady voice and watch him as he tells me that it's okay, that he's okay. Should I tell Kian? ..... *groan* of course I can't tell Kian, if I do it will probably push him to breaking point. He'll probably dump me, even after the amazing Christmas we had together.

I think I hate myself.


"Hey Connor?" I say.

"Hey Lyss?" he replies.

"What's happening tonight again?" I forgot. Oops.

"We are meeting everyone at Kian's house and then going our separate ways. Well at least you and Kian are, the rest of us are staying together and going into town."

"Okay. Do you know where Kian is taking me?"

"No. Please don't ask me again, I'm doing something important. It's called watching a video."



"Come on Alyssa, everyone is waiting. We are going to be late!" Connor yells through my door. It's not my fault he suggested a nap before we head off, or that the guys wanted to meet us at eleven pm.

"Done." I say walking out of the room and nearly running straight into Connor, we both move out of the way just in time.

"Finally, now run!" and we run. Out his front door, to his car. He fumbles with the lock and then fumbles with putting the keys in the ignition.

"Are you alright?" I ask.

"Just in a hurry is all. Because of you." I guess I deserved that.

Connor finally gets the car started, and we're off, nearly speeding down the road towards Kian's place. We end up being right on time.

"Hey guys, come on in, Kian's going mad. He's so nervous." Jc says, opening the door for us.

"Why's he nervous, we've already been on a date." I say.

"Because this is big for him, this date. He's put in so much to make you happy." awww, Jc makes him sound like a huge romantic, no one told me he was like that.

"Okay, I'll make sure it isn't a waste."

"Thank you." Jc walks into the lounge where Ricky and Trevor are playing Mario Kart.

"Hey guys, happy New Year." Trevor says, Ricky nods in agreement, too immersed in the game to talk.

"Thanks, happy New Year to you too." I say.

"Hey Lyss. How are you?" Kian says from behind me.

I turn around, "Hey," I let the word drag on as he walks the last few steps towards me and kisses me, "I'm good thank you, how are you?"

"Spectacular." he says to me, and then to the others, "We'll see you guys next year then!" he takes my hand and pulls me towards the front door and then his car.

"So, where are we going?" I ask after we get in.

"It's a surprise."

"Okay. How far away is it?"

"About ten minutes." and we drive off.

To L.A. For Christmas (Kian Lawley Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now