chapter 11. december 31st; new years eve

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I think we've arrived, I mean Kian has both stopped the car and turned it off, so we must have.

"Now what?" I ask.

"Now I take you to a restaurant - a very nice restaurant, I might add - and we eat some amazing food."

"Ooo, I'm excited." I say opening the car door and jumping out.

Kian walks over to me and takes my hand. We walk to a very expensive looking restaurant and go inside.

"Have you got a reservation?" the nice lady at the reception asks.

"Yes, for two. You'll find it under Alyssa." Kian replies very formally.

"Right this way." the lady says after finding the reservation in her book. We follow her to a table in a corner towards the back. "Would you like anything to drink." she asks.

"Two lemonades thanks." Kian replies without asking me what I would like. Although he ordered exactly what I wanted. The lady walks off.

"So?" he asks me.

"It's very nice here. Thank you so much." I say, smiling and grabbing his hand which is resting on the table.

"That's good. I was a bit worried you wouldn't like it." he looks out the side window.

"What's up?" I ask, his face has become stone like.

"Huh? Oh nothing. Just wondering when our drinks and menus are going to turn up."

Speak of the devil. Our drinks and menus arrive at the table. The waiter tells us he'll be back in five to collect our orders. We start scanning the menu.

"What are you going to get?" Kian asks.

"Probably the spaghetti bolognese, what about you?" I answer putting my menu down and looking up at him.

"Umm, the lamb and salad I think. It sounds pretty good." he puts his menu on top of mine and takes my hand. "When are you leaving?"

"January third I think. I'd have to check though. It could be the second."

"I wish it was never." he says smiling.

"Wouldn't that be good, but it would never work. I have university next year and I can't drop out now because I got a scholarship."

"Oh, congratulations on the scholarship. I remember the video now, yeah, you got a friend to help you with an interview. It was a pretty good video, and funny." he laughs at the memory.

"Thanks. Yeah, my friend wasn't really feeling up to giving an interview that possibly thousands of people would watch. But it did turn out pretty good."

Our waiter arrives and takes our order, he offers us drinks for the wait. Kian says, "How long do we have to wait?"

"About fifteen minutes average." the waiter replies and walks off with our order and seconds later comes back with our drinks. "Won't be too long." he leaves again.


The food was amazing, so much better than the spaghetti bolognese I make. After our meal, Kian walks me down the street, I'm so giddy from the amazing time we had at the restaurant that I don't see what is coming.

"Alyssa?" he asks.

"Yeah?" I answer warily.

"Umm, we need to talk." that's not a good sign.

"Okay, what about?"

"Your ex." umm, why?

"What about him?"

"Not just him, both of you." eeek.


"It's been bugging me for days, I can't get over what you did to him. Or me."

"Kian, what is this about?"

"I'm breaking up with you." holy crap, what do I do now?


"I'm breaking up with you."

"After that amazing date you just took me on!! You seriously can't be breaking up with me after the past few days, especially Christmas." he doesn't speak. "Kian, please tell me this is not a real break up!!"

"Alyssa...." that's what makes me lose it, him saying my name. Jesus, I'm gonna cry.

"What is wrong with you!? Did you have fun!? Holding my hand and kissing me tonight. And now this!!" now he tries to comfort me. "No Kian! No! You just broke up with me, you can't make it any better!" and I walk off.


I hear him walk back to his car, I turn just as he drives off. Now I'm just standing here. Alone.

To L.A. For Christmas (Kian Lawley Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now