Disclaimers + The Initial Chapter

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The following transcript contains Coarse Language, Scenes of Violence, Sexual Content, and other material which some readers may find offensive. Reader discretion is advised.

The views expressed within this document do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher.

This transcript is a work of fiction. All characters portrayed within, and without, are not real.

Similarities found between those persons, places, or things mentioned in this text and any of the named celebrities, Spiritual Masters, or any other organism currently living, dead, or yet to be conceived are purely coincidental.

ATTENTION: This manuscript has been converted to twenty-first century English from its Original Source Origin dating up from a conveyed dialect of Linux Script. Although some of the symbols used in Linux offer no English comparison for meaning, the greatest level of care has been taken to translate the original data transmission as accurately as possible to best resemble something that You, The Present-Day-Reader, can understand. Although some of the material held within may appear vexing, or even absurd to most; it has been foretold that The One whom possesses this text, in whatever form it may have taken during its trans-dimensional manifestation, is most definitely the Chosen Sacred Being, and therefore possesses the clear, subtle mind required to carry forth its urgent message. It is very fortunate indeed that we have made contact with , Dear Reader.

Look, it cannot be seen, so It is called invisible.

Listen, it cannot be heard, so It is called soundless.

Touch, it cannot be caught, so It is called elusive.

These three cannot be examined, so they unite into One.

Above It there is no light, below It there is no darkness. Endlessness beyond description.

It returns to non-existence. It is called the shapeless shape, t he substance without form.

It is called obscurely evasive.

Meet It and you do not see its beginning, follow It and you do not see its end.

Hold on to the ancient Way to master the present, and to learn the distant beginning.

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