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"I was conceived in the same moment as you. Our collective Awakening - our evolution, is also conceived, undeniable, and absolute." – Cornelius, EMHSB

A large, motion- and gesture-sensitive holographic android shone in an understated fashion, welcoming the pair just a few steps beyond the city's threshold. Emerson always held fond memories of the tech. One of his first hobby projects he had managed to perfect as a child was the creation of a responsive android that was interested in all the things he was: comics, fantastic tales of heroism, and wacky characters portrayed in the pre-transcendence period which included SNL, Carol Burnett, and Second City. This interface was not humanoid, but the ensnared voice-over was British, mid-twentieth-century, still considered the standard in android builds. Uninspired, perhaps, but Emerson liked hearing its nostalgic harping back to a simpler time. It acted as a mini map, displaying points of interest around the bustling city and listing locations for food and beverage. The map also showed outlines of residential housing, along with places of work in the commercial district. The two newest guests in the Kingdom of Spectra didn't speak, as their mouths had fallen nearly agape as they took in as much around them as they could. They gazed at footbridges with elevators connected to large buildings that stretched on as far as the eye could see. Emerson's mind flashed to him teetering next to Hostage Charlie, standing on a few jig sawed pieces of plywood above North Garrison's streets while trying to steady his gun barrel on Charlie's side. He'd have no fear when crossing these bridges. Emerson noted the far Northern Border of the city outlined on the mini map to confirm what he was already sure of: the Stratosphere was the end of the line.

"What's the plan?" Sasha asked.

"We need to get into the Stratosphere. I'm not exactly sure how we'll manage that right now. We're not getting in legitimately for the foreseeable future. The whole airshaft thing seems impossible, and we don't have the grappling system we were planning to use anymore."



"Someone's selling tiny donuts over there." Sasha jogged toward a man she saw operating a street vendor kitchen. A large illuminated sign projecting from the kitchen's rooftop featured a rolling tight-shot over a vat of steaming oil, fading to a presentation of McGlisky's Famous triple-patted mini sugar donuts. Sasha approached, absentmindedly forgetting that she had no money or any way to pay. Immediately thrust back into the real world, she recalled with some angst that these transactions usually involved an exchange of some sort. The hefty donut cart operator looked at her in a way that made her already feel uncomfortable. She immediately felt like he was on to her... Like he knew they were fakes and not real Spectra folks just from a look.

"You ordering?" the man inquired from underneath his graying moustache. He wore a red apron over some white grease-spattered clothing. He stood in a very small, stationary kitchen placed permanently on the side of the busy street corner.

"Oh, I just remembered I forgot my wallet. I have no way to pay you."

The man's head snapped back and his eyes glared down the four-inch height difference at Sasha. The reaction sent shivers down her spine and she thought about running away. Sensing this, Emerson put his hand on her waist from behind to try and settle her. Neither of them spoke as they let the shock and surprise of someone saying they forgot their wallet wear off the older gentleman's face. "You're not from around here, are you?!" the man shouted, loud enough for the Bellagio doorman five blocks away to become aware of their presence.

Emerson and Sasha both smiled nervously at the man after his boisterous public announcement. Emerson attempted to get some information and keep any covers from being completely blown to smithereens and scattered right there in the Nevada breeze. "Uhhh, you're right. My partner and I have been located off-site for years. We're programmers, and we haven't seen the light of day for a while... We are awfully interested in your sugar donut selection though."

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