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Sunrays pierced through Emerson's bedroom window where the recessed opening peeked out over a cinder block wall north of the camp. It offered an often-pleasurable view over a once adored neighborhood greenspace which had long since been taken over by the local flora of long crabgrass. A giant mound of vines and shrubbery almost completely enveloped a dome-shaped metal play structure at the center of the park and was seen clearly today after a rich snow melt fed the local ecosystem. A few sparse pockets of transported play-sand could still be seen around the web-cluster of rusted metal bars that neighborhood children once hung upside down from while forbidding anyone to step on the surrounding areas of lava. God's alarm clock hit Emerson square in the face, although he attempted to escape its grasp for a moment under his thin, wool-knitted blanket. He winced at the entering brightness and was immediately brought back to Earth. He sat up in bed, wondering what time it was. He heard jovial-sounding voices coming from downstairs. He even heard some laughter mixed in with the low murmurs from the unexpected guests making their way up the stairs. He had to reorganize his thoughts. I've been sleeping well, he thought, recounting another refreshing dreamless slumber. Two nights in a row! The problems of last night somehow seemed less pressing right now. He was very pleased to hear some happy sounds coming up from down below. After throwing on the Carly Rae T-shirt and his pair of week-old cargo pants, he made his way downstairs. The disconnected conversations continued before someone eventually noticed him.

"You've got pancakes waiting for you, Emerson," a strange female voice announced his arrival amongst the other side conversations. The unique seating arrangement extended across the small dining space and bridged into the connected living room. It was actually two tables pushed together, which Emerson found amusing, knowing that it meant someone had gone to great trouble to create this new giant table. A team would have been commissioned to bring over the large, four-legged oak-carved piece from the neighboring house.

Everyone was in the one room eating what looked like an outstanding breakfast by their standards. Pancakes and Bacon. Emerson took note of everyone sitting together that morning: Teddy, Keith, Achak, Coleman, Presley, and Jake surrounded this new, large makeshift table. The dining space was covered in plates and silverware, with each member of the group eating a small stack of pancakes and a piece of fried bacon. Emerson had to take another step down the staircase to catch sight of Sasha eating off to the side, lurking a few feet away from the rest. Gabby stood over everyone at the table. She appeared chipper to Emerson's still waking eyes.

"Wh- this is a lot to take in, first thing in the morning," Emerson said whilst eye-rubbing and making inadvertent yawning motions (more for show than anything else). "Oh, wow. This is really unbelievable," he said as he took what looked to be sanctioned off as his seat at the head of the long table.

He looked down at his plate, surprised to see an image that brought him back to childhood. Two small pancakes sat on top of a larger pancake, with several chocolate pieces placed strategically for eyes and a nose. A living confection. Two strips of crispy bacon stuck out the top of the pancake's head like antlers. Next to his plate was a glass of chocolate milk. A huge grin came across his face when he finally sat down and looked at Gabby. He wouldn't let her know that this was almost exactly how his mother had prepared breakfast for him on special occasions as a child. He just smirked and shook his head at the new house chef.

"Where did you get the bacon?" he asked.

"I brought some supplies with me. I was able to escape with a few things. Not much, but I carried out as many of the most critical items I could manage."

"You brought bacon, and that's why we love you, Gabby!" Coleman interjected, while slowly biting the last morsel of dripping wet pork belly left in his hand.

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