Journey with Zane and Jazz

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I did a little bit of reading in History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot. It was mainly about Harry Potter and his time at Hogwarts. It was sort of surreal to know that my wand had once belonged to Harry. I also did some reading about Grindewald and Voldemort, the darkest wizards of their time.

September first rolled around and true to her word, my mum got everything as far as books, quills and ink, and cauldrons. She got me a big trunk for my clothes, and a smaller suitcase for my supplies. Everything was packed up and on a small cart that I was pushing, and we were looking for platform Nine and Three Quarters. I didn't think such a thing existed until I read the train ticket.

"Here it is." Said Mum. Dad was right behind me, and I don't know if he wanted to be here.

"Are you okay, Dad?" I asked him.

"I'm just still...grasping onto all of this." He replied. "I'm here, because I had to see you off, didn't I?"

"Now's the time, dear." Said Mum.

"Okay." Replied Dad and he pulled me into a big hug. "Stay out of trouble, okay bud?"

"I'll try." I said. "I'll miss you."

"Me too, buddy. Me too."

Dad released me and Mum put her arm around my shoulder and said "Don't be scared or you'll crash into it, okay? We go together."

I nodded. We half ran towards the wall between platforms nine and ten, and I was half expecting a crash, but instead, we went right through it. We didn't come out on the other side at Kings Cross. We were now standing next to a marvelous looking single train with a big red engine surrounded by steam. On the front was a big sign that said "Hogwarts Express". Other kids around my age were already wearing their Hogwarts robes, and a sign above us read "Platform 9 ¾".

The train gave a loud whistle hoot, and I looked up at the clock. It was ten minutes to eleven.

"Alright... Time for you to go." Said Mum. She helped me load my things onto the train, and gave me a hug. "I'll write every week to check on you. Be safe, listen to your teachers, stay out of trouble, and I expect to hear what house you were sorted into. If you're sorted into Slytherin, don't listen to all the rumors. They once were true, but don't worry about them now. I mean look at Jazz. She's a Slytherin, and you two became good friends, it seems. In fact, I'd be happy if you got sorted there. Jazz can keep an eye on you-"

"Mum." I said, gently cutting her off, "I'll be fine."

"I love you." She said, hugging me one last time.

"Love you too." I replied.

Mum released me and I boarded the train. I found an empty compartment, and sat next to the window, looking out at all the other students saying goodbye to their parents. Mum found my window, and waited. Dora and Jazz showed up last minute and Jazz got on the train right before it gave a whistle and a lurch. I poked my head out of the compartment and called "Jazz! Down here!"

Jazz smiled and ran down the corridor of the train to sit with me. We both waved at Dora and Mom as the train slowly pulled out of the station, then Jazz sat down, out of breath.

"The alarm clock battery went out on us. Nearly missed the train." Jazz said panting.

"Good thing you caught up to it." I replied.

"Yeah, I had to skip breakfast, so I hope the food trolley comes soon. You got any money?" Jazz asked.

"Yeah my mom gave me some. In case I need to order something from Diagon my cauldron breaks or something...and for the food trolley." I replied.

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