Part 15

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A heavy knock on the door threw her out of it. "Come in," I yelled.
"The pythons are attacking our gun shipment. I need Lia to go stop it, and Cam you go with her. Bring them to me alive, or at least one," my uncle said. We nodded at him. He left the room shutting the door.
"Go get changed baby, I'll meet you outside of your room," I told Lia. She nodded and left. I sprang out of bed, not fully wanting to leave its warmth and got dressed. Combat boots, stretchy black jeans, and a black hoodie with an outline of a rose in green on the front.  I grabbed my green mask that I used for fighting and tied it on.  I slipped two switch blades into each boot.  I dug around and found the two glocks my uncle gave me when he taught me how to shoot, I slipped one in my thigh holster and another in my waistband.  I slipped out of my room and went to get Lia.  Her door opened and she walked out.  She looked similar to me except she was wearing her leather jacket instead of a hoodie.  I could see her gun in her holster, but not her other weapons.  Probably a good thing that she hides them so well.  Over all she looked badass, and the thing that made it better is she is all mine.  I slung my arm around her shoulders and we walked down the stairs.
        "58 nightshade drive," my uncle called.
         "Aye sir," I called heading to my new bike that my uncle just got me.  Lia walked over to her bike and nodded to me.  I followed her to a warehouse.
     It didn't look even remotely suspicious, I couldn't see any pythons anywhere.  "Ooh, Tony got a new bitch. Think your lost little one, don't bring nails to a gun fight," a slimy voice hissed.
"Says the coward that won't come out of the bush, is someone afraid that this bitch is gonna shoot your ass. You should be," I replied. The bushes opened up and twenty guys shuffled out.
"Your a little outnumbered little one, go home and maybe we'll only shoot this bitch," he said gesturing to Lia. Quick as light I whipped out my glock and shot one of the goons.
"Call my baby a bitch one more time and you'll be next. Or, even better, I'll make you watch as I torture each and everyone one of your boys. Knives, gasoline, gunpowder, scalpels, and don't worry, I'll make you watch as one of your own gets hanged from his own large intestine. Don't test me coward, I'm your worst nightmare. Worse than an assassin or demon, I'm satan her fucking self." Half the guys looked like they were going pee themselves. I picked up my gun and shot a single bullet in the air. All but two ran. I made bullets rain all around them and Lia did the same. Every coward was shot dead but one. He weakly held his gun at us. I took a knife out of my boot and slung it into his hand, he dropped the gun. I smirked. He was a about to run, wrong move, Lia tackled him to the floor and tied him up. Lia walked over to me, covered in blood with a gun in her hand. She looked very beautiful, in a scary way. She placed her gun back in her holster. She walked right up and captured my lips. They fit like puzzle pieces, made for one another.
"Didn't know my girlfriend was madame satan, oh how fiery that will be."

Thank you so much for 1K. I really appreciate it so much. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.  Also comment more, I love reading them.


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