Part 28

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        Lia was now fully awake beside me.  We pulled out our glocks they finally decided it was a good idea to run. 
       "I got your dad Cam, go kill the last demon from your past," Lia exclaimed to me.  So we split.
I chased my ex, cutting my cheeks on branches and my arms on boulders as I flew through them. My eyes never left the coward before me. The only other time I had seen her run so fast was after me when I tried to run away from the torture she incited. She was always slow compared to me, though. I threw a knife aimed for her thigh, but it hit her knee. She fell in pain bashing her head on the ground.
"YOU BITCH," she screeched into the cool night air. The sky starting to become light and the dew falling. "You will die, I do promise, I will kill you bitch," she flailed trying to get back to her feet. I didn't reply. I twisted the knife in her knee and pulled it out. She screamed in pain as blood gushed from his leg. I sliced both of her feet and shoved the knife into herself other leg. She moaned and screamed in pain, the echoes went into the night, just a whisper from space.
"You will not kill me, ever. You will die, I will watch. You tortured me for so long, it's your turn. You burned my body in gasoline, left scars on my body with your blade, took my virtue against my will.  I am much stronger than I once was.  I am loved and I am strong.  I will not put the suffering upon you as you did to me.  I will put a slug through your skull and watch you die.  I will leave you between the boulders in which you fell.  I hope to never see you again in the afterlife, goodbye Andrea." I put a gun shot through her skull and watched my past demons lay dead before me. The nightmares may not leave so easy, the trauma will stay stained upon my skin in burns and scars, but those scars tell my story of survival, and I wouldn't get rid of them even if I could. I really hope Lia is ok, and my father will never breathe again.

Hope you enjoyed this, the people I'm thanking this week are @confundida2004 @getherbaby @LetMeHavCoolUserName , but thanks to everyone who supports my books.


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