And I oop-

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"Boyfriend" The guys said putting his arm around her shoulder.

My eyes widened a bit, I didn't know she had a boyfriend. Well shit he is good looking and they both look good together.

The two looked at each other and busted out laughing. I gave them a confused look.

"I'm just kidding. I'm not her boyfriend. I'm into guys And you are cuuute" Wesley straightens his posture and pursed his lips together as he examines me from head to toe.

"Okay Wes. Relax, he has a girlfriend." Sofia said calmly.

"Aww man why are the cute ones always taken." Wes pouted.

"Hey if anything I have a best friend and a brother, who are into dudes and single." I smirked.

"Hmm. Got any pictures?"

I took out my phone and showed them my lock screen.

"That my best friend Kirby with the blue blazer and that's my brother who looks exactly like me but with highlights in his hair."

"Who are the two girls?" Wesley asked.

"That's my sister Lucy and my other best friend Amelia."

"Fuck, all of you guys are good looking. That's some good ass genes right there." Wesley said as he continued to gawk over the picture.

I look up to Sofia who was shaking her head to Wesley's reaction.

"Wes!" A voice yelled.

"Shit they're looking for me. Sofia do me a favor get me their number okay bye see you later I love you! Nice meeting you Lucas!" Wesley quickly kisses the side of her head and ran off.

"I'm so sorry about Wes. he can be.. very straightforward."

"It's alright, Kirby does that too. When he sees 'cute' guys working at the mall or at school."

She laughs and looks at the ground. Silent came up upon us. And it wasn't an awkward silent, it was just a comfortable silent.

She looked up and made eye contact with me.

"Hey, Um. I heard that your birthday is coming up, got any plans?" Sofia asked.

I shook my head.

"Nope, I kind of stopped celebrating. Well the three of us stopped."

"Aw how come?"

"I kinda grew out of it." I shoved my hands into my back pocket.

"Oh come on, you're never too old to celebrate it"

"Ehh usually it's the three of us plus Manny, Kirby, and Amelia. We just stay in, order take out and binge watch the Office and Friends."

"That sounds fun." Sofia smiles

"Yeah and hey you're welcome to join us, you can bring whoever you want also."

"Hmm Order take out and binge watch the best shows? Or throw a big party?" She said as she weighed those options with her hands.

She made an adorable thinking facial expression causing me to smile, WOAH hold up what am I saying?! LUKE YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!

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