The aftermath

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I couldn't sleep at all. I checked the time. 6:00 am. I have a real case of insomnia right now. No matter how many times I try to force myself to sleep, I just can't.

I got up from the couch and walked upstairs to grab my clothes. I slowly opened the door hoping I won't wake Sofia up only to find her sitting up wide awake and had a confused look.

"Where am I?"

"My room"

"Did we—

"No we didn't do anything, I uh slept downstairs in the living room. Don't worry." I grabbed the make up remover from my dresser.

Before you ask no it's not Val's, it's my sister's. each room in this house has a pack, so that she doesn't have to keep walking to her room. Yes, that's how lazy but smart she is.

I gave Sofia the wipes.

"What happened last night? Where's Cody."

"I know that we were all having fun then Cody kind of left early then after that everything became a blur." I said half truthfully and lying.

She shook her head. "I don't remember that much either, I just know that Janel and Luis kept giving us shots after shots."

I went behind the wall divider and changed my clothes.

"But I do remember you and Janel doing body shots off of my sister." I chuckled as I put on a shirt.

"Oh my god" Sofia face planted herself on the pillow.

"That shit was pretty funny"

"Anything else I did?" Sofia asked as she kept her hand over her face.

"I think that's about it."

Yeah something else happened and I'm not talking about your man's sketchy ass house

"Aww man my phone is dead"

"You can borrow my charger, it's right next you"

She plugged in her phone then stood up to stretch. My eyes stared down at her body. Holy shit. When she was done I quickly looked away and and walked to closet to put my dirty clothes in the hamper.

"Uh the bathroom is across hall. Lucy left some clothes in there. I'll be downstairs."

She nods then went to the bathroom. I went downstairs and began cooking some breakfast.

I'm such a pussy when it comes to cooking bacon. I literally cover my whole arm with a rag and try my best to stand far away from the pan. I don't fuck with oil that pops.

After I was done with the bacon I moved on to the pancakes.

"Shit why is everything so bright?"

Luis walked into the kitchen wearing sunglasses and took a seat on the barstool.

"Good morning beautiful people!" Camila screamed.

"SHHHH Why are you so loud?!" Luis whisper/yelled.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked as I flipped the last pancake.

"I'm a morning person I wake up happy" Camila smiled.

"People like you are a different breed." Luis mumbled.

Suddenly we heard laughters coming closer to the kitchen. Sofia and Lucy walked in laughing about something.

"Why is everyone in this house so loud." Luis said under his breath.

I turned off the stove and set the plate of pancakes on the island in front of me.

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