".. take one day at a time.."

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It's been 4 days, since that morning. All I can hear right now is the sound of my dad groaning in pain from the beating he got. That witch made me and Uncle Manny listen to him on speaker. Somehow she ended up giving us another month to think about whether Manny will sell the place or not.

I've locked myself up in my room for the past few days. The only time I come out is when I have to use the bathroom. All I do is sit on my beanbag chair in the corner and silently cry as I think about what has my life turned out to be. I thought running away from the past was supposed to make things better but instead it caught up and I don't know how to get out of it. There's only one person I wanted to see right now, she always know how to make me feel better.

Knock knock

I just looked at the door and went back to spacing out. I have not slept for the past 2 days

My door opened and incomes my favorite person in the world.

"Oh sugar, you look like a damn raccoon with them dark circles under your eyes. And why the hell is it so damn dark in here?!" Mama Patty strutted time my window pane and opened up the curtains. Although the sunlight suddenly hit my eyes, I didn't flinch, not even move one muscle. "Manny told me what happen. Want to talk about it?"
I shook my head no.

"You're sister gave me a call, told me something happened back in New Orleans."

"How many more times do you have to get your heart broken until everything falls in place"

"To be honest. It doesn't matter how many times. The time comes when the time comes. Seeing you like this breaks my heart. I think you do know what to do next, you're just afraid to do it. Do you know why she ghosted you for 2 years? It because she was hurt. The second I saw that picture floating around social media I knew that it was gonna crush her."

I look at her confused. "What picture?"

"Really? It was trending for awhile."

I slowly shook my head. "I don't recall seeing any picture of me that's viral, except for that Calvin Klein shoot that the Riverdale cast and I did."

"Damn.. I ain't gonna lie but all of you have cake!" I silently told Mama P to not say that. It's just.. No..
"Hey, I can be hip like you kids nowadays cmon now." I still shook my head no. "You know what? Just Search up the picture. Type your name and mystery girl."

I did what she told me and all I see is two people kissing and what looks like... the outside of....my trailer.... Someone took a picture of Val and I's last encounter.

"I don't understand.."

"Her heart broke when she found out why you didn't show up to the airport."


"She called me before her plane took off. She was devastated."

I felt a pang on my heart. I didn't realize I hurt her. Knowing that Sofia used to have feelings for me makes my heart ache even more. I'm so stupid. If I could've just told her how I feel then we maybe would've been together right now. That explains why Wesley wouldn't talk to me.

Oh man as if I'm not already stressed out, my list of worries just keeps growing and growing. I don't know what problem I should make my priority right now.

I could feel myself silently crying. "I don't know what to do." I cover my head with my arms.

"Well, A certain someone once said, 'if anything, listen to your heart.' You have so much on your list of problems that you don't even prioritize your mental health. And to me that's a problem. I know you love Manny, you care about him so much. But in case you haven't notice seeing you in this position hurts him even more than losing a restaurant. And as for Sofia, I know damn well you were never confused about your feelings for her, you're just afraid of falling in love again."

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