Chapter 4

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"Sooo" I say trying to break the akward silence walking home.

"Sooo" Jacob replies

"Uhhh,"I said not knowing what to say

"You are Holland_jr on Twitter right?"Jacob asked

"Yeah, thats me" I reply

"Do you know why Dylan has never said anything?"  Jacob asks

"..... he is emb.

Q qqarrassed of me I guess"I say kinda awkwardly

"What why?"Jacob aks trying get answers. "Idk" I say continuing to walk back to my house. It is about a 1a5 minute walk back home.  YAY akward walk! After walking for like 5 minutes I kinda gave up, I was about to call Dylan, but Jacob asked "Why did you stop?" " I don't wanna walk anymore, I'm so lazy, I'm gonna call Dylan." I said looking for Dylan's contact on my phone. " No need for that." Jacob says grabbing my phone and running"WHAT NO JACOB GIVE ME MY PHONE!" I screamed chasing after him. "Nope" Jacob yelled back qs he continued to run. "Why not?" I questioned him. "Because." Jacob says still running.  "You butt head" I sais anf started to walk again. "What noo! I'm not a butt head" Jacob whines running back to me. "Then give me my phone butt head." I said teasing him. "Will you call Dylan?" Jacob asked. "Why does it matter, butt head." I say still messing with him. "Because, I'm not lazy! I wanna walk." Jacob said. "Then you can walk by yourself,  cause I'm lazy!" I say still wanting my  phone.  "No, because when will I have another chance to walk with you? " Jacob says "what, butt head?" I question. 

"Nothing, but leta just walk, it will be easier. "Jacob says trying to convince me. "Okay, fine, butttttttt...." I say trying to gety way.

"What?"Jacob asks.

"You have to carry me, or I will call Dylan because I am lazy and don't want to walk. Like I said a million times." I say seriously

"Okay.  Piggie back or bridal style" Jacob asks.

"Wait for reals?" I asked.

"Yeah why else would I ask that?" Jacob says using comon sense.

"Idc what ever you want, which ever one is more comfortable for you." I say hoping he would pick bridal style

"Okay jump into my arms." Jacob says

"Okay. On 3." I say

"1.....2.......3....Jump" Jacob says

I jumped into his arms as Jacob catches me. And continued to walked down the street. Jacob was walkinf and we were talking about life itseld really. I was cherishing this moment,  because  honestly  I have always had a crush on Jacob, I have always admired his music. We finally got home and I was really tired so I told them all good night and go get in the shower to get ready dor bed. Beza had to go home for the night, and Alyssa slept in my room with me.
》》》Next Morning《《《

I woke up early so I got up and went for a run first, I try to do that everyday. As I was getting my warm ups on and getting ready to go run I texted Beza to see id she would join me.

Me~Hey I'm going for a run wanna come?

Beza~ Yeah when are you leaving?

Me~ about 5 minutes so I'll be at your house in about 10.

Beza~ Okay I'll be ready.

Me~ alright see ya in a bit.

I grabbed my head phones and 20 dollars for Starbucks after Beza and I run. We ran almost 2 miles to Starbucks and back.  Oops totally basic but were basic.
》》》After the run《《《

We stopped by Beza's so she can grab an extra set of clothes because she was coming over and she was just gonna shower at my house. We get to my house I take the downstairs shower because my brother Grant and Jacob were down there and it was more comfortable for Beza to use my shower, to be honeat I don't care where I shower as long as I am getting clean. Once we were both done getting  ready we made breakfast for everyone. Beza made eggs and bacon and I bake muffins.

We were finished at 10:30 and everypne was still asleep. So we went to my room woke up Alyssa and filled water balloons with canned cheese and water guns with water water and yellow food die and went to the living room. We were wearing fany packs to hold the ballons and we were carrying the water guns.

"I am so glad you guys woke me up I don't know what I would do if you guys did this to me" Alyssa whispers to us getting ready to vine this. "You ready," I whisper to Alyssa. "On 3" Alyssa whispers putting 3 fingers up counting down. "Here throw this at them." Beza says handing Alyssa water balloons. "3.....2......1... THROOOWWW!!!" Alyss whispers then yells the end. We squirted them and threw the balloons, it was really funny.  They were yelling and screaming while Alyssa Beza and I were rolling on the floor laughing. They stopped screaming and whisperind to eachother. We quieted down, and the three of them ran at us to give us huggs in while they were covered in can cheese and warm yellow water. "BEZA AND I MADE BREAKFAST!" I screamed on the top of my lungs. They looked at me with that bish whet look on their faces. "Go take showers and we might save you guys some." I teased. "Someone can use my bathroom, then the downstairs one and Dylan's bathroom" I said pointing in the directions of the bathroom. Grant rushed to the downstairs one. "Smart kid." I whispered "Hey butthead you can use my bathroom.  Its upstairs my room is the first door on the left, my bathroom is in there." I say to Jacob. "Hey! I thought you were gonna stop calling me that." Jacob whines "What ever you say butthead.... I mean... no I mean butthead" I tease. "Stoppp itttttt. Pwease?" Jacob says awalking my way. "What are you gonna do?" I asked Jacob "Well if you are gonna call me butthead, then II'm gonna be a butthead." Jacob says moving closer to me. "Jacob don't do it." I warned. "Do what" He questioned "You know what!" I said. "No I really don't" Jacob says hugging me. "Jacob!!!" I screamed as his shirtless body hugged me. "What?" Jacob asked sweetly letting go of me. "You butthead now I have to take anoyher shower." I whine "oops" Jacob says smirkimg at me. " I'll be back guys I have to take another shower, cause of the butthead" I say turning to Beza and Alyssa and pointing back to Jacob. "Okay, don't take forever or there might not anymore food." Beza says. "I'll try." I say headimg upstairs,  to get my clothes.  I get my clothes ready and layed out on my bed. All nice and neat. "You're not taking a shower in here I am." Jacob says. "I know I'm using my parents." I reply. Grabbing my shampoo conditioner and body wash out of my shower and placing new ones in There for Jacob, then leaving the room.

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