Chapter 7

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"Its nothing Dylan, come down" I try to calm him down. "NOTHING REALLY? THEN WHY DOES HE HAVE TO SHOW YOU?!?"Dylan says still yelling "Bro calm down I am sure it is nothing, right Ali?" Grant says "WELL WHAT HAPPENED!?!" Dylan continues to yell. "On the way to the store, I called Jacob a butthead,  like I have since he got here, he asked me to call him something else, so the firstthing I thought if was Babe. He questioned it at first, so I said I could call him butthead again, but he said babe was fine Because butthead would mess with his reputation. So he said he would call me cupcake. I questioned it. Jacob said because cupcakes are sweet, and your the sweetest. I replied with that is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Jacob said well I'll have to change that now won't I? And we are here." I say lying a little bit to save mine and Jacob's butts. "Go to your room." Dylan days slightly less irritated."What no" I reply. "GO!"Dylan yells pointing to the stairs. "Why? You're not my mom" I say crossing my arms. *The sass is reall* "GOOO!!"Dylan yells louder and more angrier "Fine. Can Beza come?" I ask "If she wants to. Beza?" Dylan says "yeah I'll go." Beza says getting up and going to the stairs.

Words Just Can't Describe... *Jacob Whitesides*Where stories live. Discover now