Chapter 9

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"He wants me to talk to you, Beza you van stay or go back down stairs o don't care either way." Alyssa says "I'll leave you guys alone." Beza says leaving the room "So whats up?" I asked "So Dylan wants me to tall to you about Jacob. " Alyssa starts "What about Jacob?" I questioned "So you know he is super over protective." Alyssa says.
~~~Skips rest of conversation~~~

I understand that's what Dylan wants so I will listen to him, but it's too late to get a new costume so Jacob and I are gonna match for today. After the party I will try and ignore him. 

~~At the party~~

Everyone seeeed like they were having fun at the party mainly just Dylan's friends, because my friends didn't really show up.

Thus party was pretty lame. I mean boring. So half way through the party I went up to my room changed into PJs and watched Netflix.



B- where are you?

A-my room watching Netflix eating food. Why?

B- I couldn't find you  but this sou D's way better I'm coming

A- Come in Mean Girls is about to start.

I gave Beza a pair of PJs so we were comfy, we watched Netflix all night.

Words Just Can't Describe... *Jacob Whitesides*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن